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The Manitoba government is providing $220,000 to two organizations for green transportation projects according to a news release on February 23rd. 
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The Manitoba government is providing $220,000 to two organizations for green transportation projects according to a news release on February 23rd.

The Association of Manitoba Bilingual Municipalities is receiving $70,000 in support of its Southeast Manitoba Regional Transit Initiative.  

The grant money will go towards a study as to whether it's feasible to bring transportation to the southeast.   

Environment and Climate Minister Kevin Klein says the project is working to assess regional transit needs and will work to develop solutions to the needs identified. 

“Residents in rural areas have long voiced concerns about transportation challenges, and a lack of options makes it difficult for some people to take advantage of employment and educational opportunities, attend health-care appointments or participate in community activities,” said Justin Johnson, executive director, Association of Manitoba Bilingual Municipalities. “This funding allows us to proceed with a wide-ranging regional transit feasibility study in southeast Manitoba.” 

The Manitoba government is providing $220,000 to two organizations for green transportation projects according to a news release on February 23rd. 

Klein says green transportation projects play a key role in protecting the environment and water, which is a top priority for them. 

“Increasing access to transit will help reduce greenhouse gas emissions, support a low-carbon economy and ensure affordability for Manitobans.” 

Reeve Michelle Gawronsky says rural municipalities have had various discussions with each other regarding transportation. 

"I was in a meeting two weeks ago in La Broquerie with a number of different municipalities talking about how we need improvements for those that don't have access to cars, that aren't able to travel independently and have to hire folks to do it.” 

Gawronsky says it’s great that they are finally going to get a study done in transportation within our region.  

"To have a real study done, that actually shows investments that are gonna be needed to ensure that transportation is there for folks to be able to get to specialty appointments in Winnipeg, doctor's appointments, and that kind of stuff is definitely welcome.” 

For more information on the Made-In-Manitoba Climate and Green Plan, visit: https://www.gov.mb.ca/climateandgreenplan/index.html

With files from Adi Loewen

Author Alias