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Many are delighted by the rise in pay, but it seems Manitoba's Chambers of Commerce has mixed feelings.

Manitoba's minimum wage took a jump from $13.50 to $14.15 on April 1st.

Many are delighted by the rise in pay, but it seems Manitoba's Chambers of Commerce has mixed feelings.

In a statement on the increase, the chamber says that due to labour force shortages and inflationary pressures, businesses are experiencing a piling-on effect and are struggling to keep up with costs.

"In our conversations with businesses, many are paying above minimum wage in order to retain and recruit new staff," the memo continues. "Therefore, businesses need support. The government responded with its Minimum Wage Adjustment Program. However, even after the provincial government made the application process less arduous, the application uptake has been very low. This program expired on March 31st, and we do not believe it will be renewed. With inflation right now, it's a balance between ensuring people have a living wage, and businesses being able to keep up with costs."

This wont be the last increase scheduled for Manitoba in 2023, as on October 1st, the wage will rise to $15.30.

Author Alias