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(Frank Ulloa with his prosthetic hand) (photo courtesy of War Amps)
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The Key Tag Service provides funding for programs like CHAMP, which helps kids like seven-year-old Frank Ulloa of Okotoks (Photo courtesy of The War Amps.)

Tags from the War Amps' 2023 Key Tag Service are on their way to Okotoks and the surrounding areas.

The service provides donors with a key tag, each with a unique identifying code.

If the keys are lost, the person who finds them can call a number on the tag, place them in a mailbox, and the War Amps will return them to their owner free of charge.

It was established in 1946 both as a way of providing work for amputee veterans and funding War Amps programs.

Today it provides funding for programs such as the Child Amputee Program (CHAMP), which helped seven-year-old Okotokian Frank Ulloa get fitted for a prosthetic hand to help him swim.

Author Alias