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Jade Janzen has been named the 2023 valedictorian for Bow Valley High School. (Photo courtesy Liveswith_lessplastic)

This year's valedictorian for Bow Valley High School has shown outstanding leadership, community involvement and a strong academic performance. 

Jade Janzen will represent the class of 2023 at the upcoming graduation ceremony next month. 

There were five students nominated for this year's role as valedictorian, and Janzen said being selected didn't just come down to academics. 

"We're involved in sports, or we're involved in fine arts, or we volunteer, it's not just about our grades anymore. It's more about, this is all of the things that I've done for the school. All of us have done so many different things. All of us are sporty kids, but on top of that, a lot of us are band kids and we've all contributed to the school in different ways."

Janzen runs Lives with Less Plastic, an environmental non-profit organization. With that she also runs the t-shirt bag borrowing project and the eco-squad. 

During the selection process, staff and administration wanted to know how her extra-curricular activities were involved with her school. 

"I was in band, I'm also a leadership kid. I did curling for the first time this year and I played soccer throughout. The teachers always know they can come to us and say 'you want to volunteer?' and we'll be like, why not."  

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Jade Janzen popped by the 91.5 CochraneNow studio to chat. 

She said she's enjoyed her four years at Bow Valley High, and will have great memories to take with her. 

"Highschool has been crazy, it's been a wild ride but I'm excited to just call it a day and move onto the next chapter. All of the teachers, the staff and the students at Bow Valley are pretty awesome.  

Janzen is enrolled in the University of Victoria in marine biology and will start her studies in the fall. 
