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Kerry Smith and Prime Minister Trudeau at her campaign office opening in Portage la Prairie at the end of May

As part of our coverage leading up to the Portage-Lisgar by-election June 19th, we have provided an opportunity to each of the five candidates on the ballot to answer five questions related to issues impacting residents across the riding. Over the course of this week, we will be publishing the answers provided by the candidates, as sent to us.

Below are the answers from Liberal Party of Canada candidate Kerry Smith.

1. If you were to win the election, what would you do to ensure the development of sustainable, additional, water supply and treatment for the region in order to allow for further growth, both from a business/industrial and population perspective?
Water is Canada's most precious natural resource, and protecting our region’s water is a high priority for me, and for our Liberal team. We have 20% of the world's freshwater reserves, and water is essential to our well-being and economy.

With an investment of over $750 million in Budget 2023, our Liberal team is moving forward to create the Canada Water Agency. This agency will have its headquarters here in Manitoba, and it will enable us to work with all levels of government and Indigenous communities, while creating new, quality jobs right here in Manitoba.

The Liberal government is also investing $650 million over 10 years to support monitoring, assessment, and restoration work in major water bodies, including Lake Winnipeg. And our Liberal commitment to invest $22.6 million over three years to support better coordination of efforts between the federal government, province, Indigenous communities, and stakeholders, will continue to foster deeper relationships to protect our freshwater supply, while delivering good middle-class jobs for our residents.

2. If you were to win the election, what would you do to address the current skilled and unskilled labour shortage across the region, which seems most pronounced in the manufacturing, agricultural and health care sectors?
The Liberal government is committed to improving Canada’s immigration system to welcome more newcomers to our country. By welcoming newcomers, we will address the labour shortage, including by welcoming 2,000 skilled refugees to fill labour shortages in high-demand sectors such as health care.

We also need to educate, train, or retrain Canadians who are looking to upgrade their skills or change careers. Skilled trade workers are essential to Canada’s economy, infrastructure, and to our everyday life. The Liberal government investment in projects to support workers created more than 27,000 new apprenticeship positions. And to ensure Canadians are ready for the green jobs of the future, the Liberal team has tripled the Union Training and Innovation program to support more apprenticeship opportunities and are launching a Clean Jobs Training Centre to help workers join the zero-carbon economy.

Locally, the Liberal government has taken steps to create a growing workforce that can meet the needs of today. The Future Aircrew Training program, based in Southport, MB, provides opportunities for Canadians to acquire the skills and experience needed to assume jobs in aviation, delivering good middle-class opportunities for our community.

As someone who has 25 years of experience in employment training and support in the Manitoba Métis community, I know first-hand that skills training is key to creating better opportunities, building a strong economy, and shaping a more prosperous future for everyone. As your Member of Parliament for Portage-Lisgar I will work with the government to continue investing in Canadians, to ensure no one is left behind. 

3. Agriculture is a significant part of the riding's economy. If you were to win the election, how do you propose to address concerns/impacts related to the Carbon Tax and the proposed fertilizer emissions reduction target of 30% by 2030?
If elected as MP, one of my core priorities will be to support the agriculture sector and the farmers that provide our precious food supply. 

I’m committed to supporting our Liberal government’s plan to invest $1.5B in programs to help farmers reduce emissions on farms and to grow their operations. By working in collaboration with farmers to find ways to reduce emissions while supporting the sector’s competitiveness, we will ensure agricultural activities continue to support our local economy.

I also know that the expenses of running a farming operation add up, and why I’m committed to putting more money back into your family’s pocket through the Climate Action Incentive, providing up to $1,056 for a family of 4 in Manitoba. In 2023, $121 M will be returned to farmers through these payments.

Our emission reduction targets are ambitious, but achievable through new practices and new innovative technologies. This is why we have set a voluntary national target for reducing emissions from fertilizers by 30% below 2020 levels by 2030, backed with billions of new direct investments in on-farm climate actions and clean agricultural technologies, and why we’ll continue to fund programs that support farmers in the fight against climate change.

Farmers play a critical role in growing food to feed Canadian families and the world while striving to improve their sustainability. As your elected representative I will continuously consult stakeholders and farmers as we work together to build a cleaner, more sustainable future. And while the Conservatives have no climate plan, I’ll keep moving forward with our Liberal team to deliver real climate action while putting more money into your family’s pocket.

4. Affordable housing is a topic that is front and center around the country and in Portage Lisgar. Many are saying they cannot find a reasonable place to live. If you were to win this election, how would you address this issue when in Ottawa?
I know that far too many Canadians cannot afford to own a home. That’s why I’m committed to working with our Liberal government to move forward with a strong plan to make housing more affordable by doubling the rate of home construction over the next 10 years, banning foreign ownership and cracking down on speculation, and supporting renters who are struggling with the costs of housing. 

Just this past April, the Liberal government introduced the tax-free First Home Savings Account to help Canadians save up to $40,000, tax-free, towards the purchase of a home. We have a strong plan to make housing more affordable, and as your Member of Parliament, I will continue to address the growing problem of housing affordability that many Canadians are facing. 

5. Crime is considered a major issue in the Portage area. How does your party plan to address this growing concern that nothing is being done about it?
You deserve to feel and be safe wherever you live in Portage-Lisgar. That’s why I will work alongside our Liberal team in Ottawa to build safer communities and keep guns out of the wrong hands.

Our Liberal team introduced the strongest gun control measures in over 40 years, to help reduce violent gun crimes in communities across Canada. Our plan focuses on getting handguns and assault-style weapons off our streets, expanding background checks to keep guns out of the wrong hands, and investing in organizations and programs to help tackle gun violence at its root cause. I’ll be working with our team to take real action to curb gang violence and reduce the number of crimes committed with firearms. 

Our Liberal team is also taking action that targets violent offenders. That’s why our Liberal team introduced new bail reform legislation that would create a reverse onus targeting violent offenders, especially those who use weapons, and those with a history of intimate partner violence. And I’ll continue to work to ensure that residents feel safe and supported.

Conservatives have shown that they do not have a plan to deal with crime and what causes it. I will work with our Liberal team to deliver long-lasting solutions and keep our community safe. 

Author Alias