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cash and firearm
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(Photos via Saskatchewn RCMP Media Relations)

Separate busts involving large quantities of drugs, and in one instance cash near Maidstone over the month of May are making headlines.

The Saskatchewan RCMP's Roving Traffic Unit is reporting "significant seizures of drugs and proceeds of crime" after partnering with the Saskatchewan Highway Patrol of the Provincial Protective Services (PPS) Branch. They managed to take illicit drugs, a restricted firearm, and a large quantity of cash in relation to Saskatchewan crimes.

The first instance saw 10 kilograms of cocaine seized on the afternoon of May 3 as the Saskatchewan RCMP Roving Traffic Unit conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle containing one occupant.

After seizing the high quantity of cocaine it was tested, and resulted in purity levels as high as 98 percent.

"This seizure will disrupt the supply of illicit, lethal drugs destined for distribution across Canada, particularly Saskatchewan."

As a result 32-year-old John Morin of Edmonton, Alberta, was charged with Possession of Cocaine for the Purpose of Trafficking, Section 5(2) of the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act. He is scheduled to appear in Lloydminster Provincial Court on June 26 at 9:30 AM.

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10 Kilograms of Cocaine Seized (Photo via Saskatchewan RCMP Media Relations)

The next drug seizure took place on the morning of May 30 as members conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle with two occupants. 

This case also included a small amount of cocaine, and methamphetamine being taken, but the main substance that won't be making it to the streets was approximately 6 litres of Gamma Hydroxybutyrate (GHB)

Investigation resulted in 40-year-old Warren Stricker of Langham being charged with both Possession of GHB for the Purpose of Trafficking, Section 5(2) Controlled Drugs and Substances Act, and Possession of Cocaine, Section 4(1) Controlled Drugs and Substances Act.

The other individual 42-year-old Quinton Stricker of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan was also given those same charges, and was tagged with the extra charge of Possession of Methamphetamine, Section 4(1) Controlled Drugs and Substances Act

The Stricker's are scheduled to appear in Lloydminster Provincial Court on July 24 at 9:30 AM.

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6 Litres of Gamma Hydroxybutyrate (GHB) Seized (Photo via Saskatchewan RCMP Media Relations)

The police units were right back at it the next day, as on the morning of May 31 another traffic stop was conducted on a vehicle with one occupant.

That's when police found a large quantity of cash, as the large amount of bundled Canadian money was in plain view of officers. Further investigation led to finding several more bundles of vacuum-sealed Canadian currency, totaling hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Police also located a restricted firearm, with two magazines that both contained ammunition, and a large amount of methamphetamine within the investigation. As a result, 46-year-old Mohamed Ilmi of Edmonton, Alberta, was charged with numerous offences:

•                     Carry a Concealed Weapon, Section 90 Criminal Code

•                     Possess a Firearm Knowing Not a Holder of License to Possess It, 92(1) Criminal Code

•                     Possess a Prohibited Device Knowing Not a Holder of Licence to Possess It, 92(2) Criminal Code

•                     Being Occupant in a Motor Vehicle Knowing There Is a Firearm, 94 Criminal Code

•                     Possess Restricted Firearm With Readily Accessible Ammunition, 95(b) Criminal Code

•                     Possess Restricted Firearm While Prohibited From Doing So, 117.01(1) Criminal Code

•                     Possess Prohibited Device While Prohibited From Doing So, 117.01(1) Criminal Code

•                     Possession of Property Obtained by Crime Under $5,000, 354(1)(a) Criminal Code

•                     Possession of Proceeds of Property Obtained by Crime Over $5,000, 354(1)(a) Criminal Code

•                     Laundering the Proceeds of Crime, 462.31(1) Criminal Code

•                     Possession of Methamphetamine for the Purpose of Trafficking, 5(2) Controlled Drugs and Substances Act

Ilmi is scheduled to appear in Lloydminster Provincial Court on July 10 at 9:30 AM.

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Large Quantity of Cash & Restricted Firearm Seized (Photo via Saskatchewan RCMP Media Relations)

“I am incredibly proud of the work that is being done across the province by our officers and partners at Saskatchewan Highway Patrol. By taking all of these illicit items off the road and out of criminals’ hands, it demonstrates our commitment to keeping the public out of harm’s way,” says Supt. Grant St. Germaine, Officer in Charge of Saskatchewan RCMP Traffic Services.

Author Alias