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Over the past few days, some have been heard saying, 'it's chilly outside'. In fact, it even snowed in Banff on Tuesday.

However, according to Meteorologist Terri Lang with Environment Canada, it's fairly normal for this time of year.

"This is all part of the weather system all over western Canada. Cooler, a little bit wetter, certainly the same pattern that happened through Alberta that gave the torrential rains but also gave snow through the higher elevations, which sort of alarms people. But it's not the first time that it's happened, and if it's going to happen, we see this happening in June," she noted. 

Lang said this is what they call the 'cold low season'.

"Meaning there's these big low-pressure systems that move through the atmosphere and at their core they're very cold. So when they move over the mountains because people go to the mountains and camp in the mountains when it snows at the lower elevations, it surprises people, but certainly, it's unusual, but not unheard of."

The cooler temperatures are a good thing.

"People in Vancouver are whining, they're calling it 'June-uary', but it's a good thing just because we have been too hot and too dry. So this is the atmosphere's way of recuperating some of the water and kind of cooling things down a little bit."

She said here in the southeast, we won't see snow, as that happens just in the mountains at the higher elevations.

Overnight lows and daytime highs are currently on par with the 30-year average.

"Temperatures for this time of year ... are highs around 24 and overnight lows around 10. When we look at the records, we know it can get a lot colder than that. So, we're kind of middle of the ballpark here, but it's after such a hot start to the spring and summer, I think that people kind of got accustomed to the heat. And then when the heat gets turned off, it's a bit of a shocker for people, absolutely."

She said it'll be no time before people start complaining about how hot it is again. 

Author Alias