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Organ donors are very present among the Saskatchewan population. Back at the start of the month the Government released some numbers relating to record high numbers of organ and tissue donation.

They used the fiscal period of April 1, 2022 to March 31, 2023 to note 30 deceased donors, the biggest single year number ever seen in the province. 46 adult kidney transplants were also recorded, not a record, but still good enough for the second highest ever to be performed in the province. 276 patients donated ocular tissue.

The release went on to share how in April Dr. Michael Moser received the 2022 Logan Boulet Humanitarian of the Year Award, and at the same time the Saskatchewan Transplant Team also received the Team Award in recognition of their efforts.

“We are pleased to see our province performing more transplant procedures thanks to the contributions of our incredibly skilled transplant surgeon, Dr. Moser and the rest of our wonderful transplant team,” Health Minister Paul Merriman said. “I would also like to acknowledge everyone who has taken the time to register their decision to be an organ and tissue donor and share their wishes with their loved ones.”

Sometimes a transplant is the only possible treatment for someone suffering with an injury or disease. In the case of tissue donations they often times improve the quality of life for people in all walks of life.

"Thanks to an increase in donor registration, more transplant patients are living longer and healthier lives. There are currently 800 Saskatchewan adult and pediatric residents living with a donated organ."

The award winning Dr. Moser provided some comments saying "transplantation is a massive team effort", and that one of the biggest things to note are the patients who have typically been dealing with their issue for a long time. That means tons of hospital time, and the unsure nature of knowing if their transplant will come in time.

"Once they do receive their transplant, which is often called 'the gift of life,' most patients experience a remarkable turnaround almost immediately. It's an honour to be a part of these modern medical miracles, but it's the organ donors who make it all possible, whether they've talked to their loved ones about their wishes or donated as living donors. Without these organ donor heroes, transplantation wouldn't be possible."

Learn more about organ and tissue donation as the polls show 90 per cent of Candians support the program, but only 32 per cent are actually signed up to potentially save a life.

 Since the Saskatchewan Organ and Tissue Donor registry was launched in September 2020, almost 21,000 eligible Saskatchewan residents have registered their intent to donate their organs and/or tissues. You must be 16 years or older and possess a Saskatchewan Health Services Card number to register for the intent to be a donor.

Author Alias