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File photo. East Central Saskatchewan should see a cool down from the intense heat experienced this week.

Temperatures should be back to seasonal following our first foray into extended and increased heat around west-central Saskatchewan. 

This past weekend was still some of the hottest weather the area has experienced so far this summer.

Things are supposed to cool down after Tuesday's high of 30 degrees. We reached out to Environment and Climate Change Canada Meteorologist Samantha Mauti for a more in-depth look at the forecast, starting with potential rain.

"After those super high temperatures (yesterday and today), there is a little bit of a cool front.  A weak front passing through southern Saskatchewan, generally bringing the risk of showers tonight and tomorrow."

Mauti says we can expect more "showery" conditions compared to an actual system rolling through the area. There is a slight risk of thunderstorm conditions developing.

Mauti once again referenced the front coming in when asked if temperatures will decrease slowly or sharply.

"It is more of a gradual decline," began Mauti as the weak front moving across the province isn't quite enough to be called a cold front, "Bringing temperatures out of the 30s, but still quite warm in the high 20s."

The average temperature for Humboldt this time of year is about 24 degrees according to Environment Canada. A second front later this week should bring temperatures down even more around Thursday with another possibility for moisture to a similar degree.

"Looking more into the mid-20s to end out the week. Very gradual."

Another thing people are dealing with to start the week is smoke, which Mauti says should be cleared out by the end of the week thanks to the air-mass making its way through the region.

Author Alias