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Riders in the Eastman ATV 2023 Fall "Ride for Mom" through the Sandilands Provincial Forest will enjoy the fall colors
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Riders in the Eastman ATV 2023 Fall "Ride for Mom" through the Sandilands Provincial Forest will enjoy the fall colors

An event, raising money for Cancer Care Manitoba, was cancelled at the end of May, when Level 1 fire restrictions were put in place by the province. It's back on, that according to President of the Eastman ATV organization, Don Eidse.

“We're doing the Ride for Mom, and we're quite excited.”

Eides shares why the ride through the Sandilands Provincial Forest, is so important.

“I think cancer has touched many of us, and when we’re riding together, it really feels like we’re a family, supporting this cause together, and we're going to do something good.”

Don Eidse (left) with Ride for Mom volunteer (Photo supplied)
Don Eidse (left) with Ride for Mom volunteer (Photo supplied)

He tells us why, in this 7th year of the event, it's become personal for him.

“Well, my wife had breast cancer recently, and we're very fortunate to be on the other side of it now, and Cancer Care Manitoba has done a marvelous job, and we just want to give them all the support we can.”

Eidse notes that the ride isn’t specifically for his wife, but for all women who have received a cancer diagnosis.

“I choke up a little bit when I talk about it, but it's really amazing what Cancer Care Manitoba can do and what they've done, and once you go through the whole experience of someone close to you having cancer and coming out on the other side, particularly with our case, it was a very aggressive cancer, and it didn't look promising, you really feel like you get a new chance.”

Eastman ATV Ride for Mom 2022 participant finishing the ride (photo supplied)
Eastman ATV Ride for Mom 2022 participant finishing the ride (photo supplied) 

Eidse says, they already have 100 riders registered for the event which promises to have a real family feel to it.

“The atmosphere is awesome. Everyone is so positive.”

Eidse says, the ride is happening on Saturday, October 14, riding through the Sandilands Provincial Forest. Registration is still open and for those who registered in spring, your entry is still valid. 

“We're grateful for all the money we collect, with the main focus being Cancer Care Manitoba, with some money staying with Eastman ATV to repair their trails.” 

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Author Alias