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The Saskatchewan Teachers' Federation and Food Banks of Saskatchewan teamed up this summer with the Food to Learn campaign.

The Humboldt and District Food Bank will be one of the beneficiaries from the food drive held this summer by the Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation in concert with the Food Banks of Saskatchewan. 

In a release, the STF recounted its partnership with Food Banks of Saskatchewan for the “Food to Learn” campaign, calling attention to the growing need for food bank services in the province, with a fundraising goal of $44,000. That sum represents the 44,000 people who access food banks every month in Saskatchewan. The STF kicked off the fundraising with a donation of $20,000 in June.” Organizers shared that $71,000 has been raised for Saskatchewan’s food banks. 

The release goes on to explain that the “Food to Learn” partnership between the STF and Food Banks of Saskatchewan was created knowing that recent data indicates that approximately 40 percent of the people who access Saskatchewan food bank services are under the age of 18. In addition, children who rely on nutrition programs through their schools do not have access to these programs in July and August. Despite this spike in need, food banks across Saskatchewan historically see a significant slowdown in donations over the summer months. Recognizing how these factors impact students, families and schools across Saskatchewan, “Food to Learn” aimed to raise both funds and awareness for the 36 food banks across the province. 

“To everyone who took time to donate to this campaign over the summer, we want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts,” says Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation President Samantha Becotte. “With the rising cost of food and other inflationary pressures, so many Saskatchewan families are facing very difficult financial times right now. By supporting your local food bank, you help to ease that difficulty for families and their kids.” 

Along with the public campaign, the STF office held an internal food and volunteer drive over the summer, with staff donating over 900 pounds of food and a total of 65 volunteer hours for the Saskatoon Food Bank.  

“The fact that this campaign has surpassed our goal is exciting news for our food banks, as we are seeing a huge increase in demand for our services that seems to be growing all the time,” says Executive Director of Food Banks of Saskatchewan Michael Kincade. “The STF’s support and partnership with this campaign has been very appreciated. These funds will make a difference in people’s lives.” 

The Food Banks of Saskatchewan notes that last year, it saw a 37 percent increase in usage and there are no signs of this slowing down. The Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation and Food Banks of Saskatchewan continue to encourage donations to support this growing need. Donations can be made by following this link. 

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