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Carla Hrycyna, host of the Lawn and Garden Journal, says fall yard work is a great way to get some exercise and improve mental wellness.

With fall clean-up in full swing, we are challenged to consider how we look at our list of tasks we need to complete. 

“There are so many people who say that they get peace, they get comfort, and it's fun,” says Carla Hrycyna, host of the Lawn and Garden Journal. “Don't get me wrong, it's a lot of work, but the rewards are worth it and we're dealing with so many things of putting plants in, harvesting, enjoying the harvest.” 

As we get through our list of fall clean-up duties, we are encouraged to appreciate the value in everything we do. 

“The amount you get out of gardening is more than just the prettiness and the fruits,” Hrycyna says. “We think of the exercise, and there's also the mental aspect, it soothes your mind and your soul by being in something that's so beautiful. The activity of gardening, whether you do it slowly or you go hard, that's exercise. Pulling those weeds, you're using your muscles.” 

It is common for people to plant perennials to reduce the amount of yardwork each year, but Hrycyna says these plants that come up each year still need our attention to maintain the plants and keep them healthy. 

“With perennials, the sustainability of it is at a certain age of that perennial, there is a beneficial movement to refresh the plant, open up the roots, divide things, and give it new life.” 

Many perennials do well with dividing and transplanting in fall, but Hrycyna cautions that some plants respond better when you leave that task for spring. 

Hostas are one example of plants that can be moved around in the fall. 


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