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The man who reportedly owns the abandoned school in Richmound, and invited Romana Didulo and the 'Kingdom of Canada' to the village, has been charged (photo: Hayden Michaels).

An arrest has been made in Richmound, following an altercation between adult males. 

Leader RCMP arrested Ricky Manz, following reports of an assault in the Village. 

The 59-year-old was charged with one count of assault after an investigation revealed he and another man had an altercation. No injuries were reported. 

Manz is set to appear in court in Leader on November 16, 2023.

Leader RCMP arrived in town on October 7, setting up a mobile operations centre. Two units were posted in the town to monitor the ongoing situation surrounding Romana Didulo, the self-proclaimed 'Queen of Canada'.

Since setting up in Richmound, RCMP has been responding to any calls for service, helping to ensure peace and stability for the locals. The arrest of Manz is notable, as he is the one who invited Didulo and her 'Kingdom of Canada' group to come and stay at the former Richmound School building. Manz is the reported owner of the property, and has been hosting them since they arrived about a month ago. 

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Author Alias