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Estevan Legion getting poppies out across Estevan
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Estevan Legion members getting poppies out across Estevan (file photo).

The poppy is the most notable symbol when Canadians think about Remembrance Day.  

Local Legion branches across the country run the Poppy Campaign from the last Friday of October to November 11 annually. The public is able to take a poppy and leave a donation. This serves as visual representation of support to Canadian veterans who have served or currently serve in the armed forces. 

Money collected during this time goes into a trust fund that is used for assistance to veterans as well as their families.  

In addition to poppies, wreaths can also be purchased through the Legion. These wreaths can be purchased by businesses, individuals and families to be laid out in honour of a veteran or their families. Arrangements can also be made if individuals wish to help lay a wreath during the ceremony.   

Frosty Forrest of the Estevan Legion explained the importance of continuing to honour Canadian soldiers by donating to the Poppy Campaign.

“Quite frankly when we think about it most of these people were very young and were prepared to put their lives on the line for us and consequently, we need to remember them, and November 11 is the day that we do that.” 

The Legion’s annual Remembrance Day ceremony takes place on November 11 at the Estevan Comprehensive School starting at 10:30 a.m.   

“Remembrance Day is one of the most important days of the year," said Forrest. "That’s the day we take to honour those people that volunteered to fight for our country and never came home.”  

The Legion is also holding a Poppy tea event on November 5 at the Legion starting at 1 p.m.  

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Author Alias