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main street winter

Picture it: you go for a night out, and you’re faced with many choices: what to wear, what snacks to bring, whether you should arrive on time or show up fashionably late.

When it’s time to find a safe ride home, you’ve also got options. 

SGI's Traffic Safety Spotlight for November, as it is every year, is on impaired driving.

“SGI’s latest campaign shows what can happen when people make good choices, and it’s a message that should resonate with the public,” said Minister Responsible for SGI Dustin Duncan. “Every single impaired driving collision is preventable. In recent years, fewer people are choosing to drive impaired and that’s resulted in fewer collisions – and fewer people being injured or losing their lives. Let’s keep building on that.” 

It doesn’t matter where you live or what time of day it is, there is always a safe option. 

So keep the good times rolling and make a plan for a safe ride. If you find yourself in a situation where you didn’t organize a ride beforehand, know that you have options to get home safe. How you do it in Humboldt is up to you: take a taxi, call a friend or loved one, or get a ride with a sober designated driver. 

Author Alias