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John Griffin displaying a poppy while selling 50/50 for Change tickets yesterday at Canadian Tire. (Photo by David Zammit)
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John Griffin displaying a poppy while selling 50/50 for Change tickets yesterday at Canadian Tire. (Photo by David Zammit)

A new website launched by the Royal Canadian Legion has turned poppies into a portal to learn more about Canadian soldiers.

Poppy campaigns started last Friday across southwestern Saskatchewan and now the red flower can be scanned on poppystories.ca to link individuals to fallen Canadian soldiers. 

John Griffin, the public relations officer with the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 56, said the technological initiative could help bridge the gap between generations.

"The program is a way to tell the stories of our veterans, recognize their sacrifice, and honour their lives," he said. "It's always a good way to get the public involved [and] educate people on what our veterans have done for our country."

Keeping Canadians educated on the heroic stories of thousands of soldiers from generations ago and present-day ones will always be near and dear to the heart of the Royal Canadian Legion.

"Every time I read a story of a veteran or come across another story it touches me deeply," he said. "I'm a big proponent of telling the stories of our veterans because it's really those individual stories that make remembrance come alive."

Each story on the website includes a photo of the fallen soldier, some personal information including (DOB, birthplace, family), and a detailed military timeline. 

Keith Bradley Mirau represents Swift Current on the website. The 29-year-old was killed on a peacekeeping mission when the aircraft he and eight others were travelling in was taken out in 1974 by missiles as they crossed into Syria. 

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Author Alias