Jan 11: 36 cases of COVID-19 reported, 13 in the Sioux Lookout Health Hub

The Northwestern Health Unit has reported 36 new COVID-19 cases across the region on Tuesday. 

13 cases were found in the Sioux Lookout Health Hub, six in the Fort Frances Health Hub, five in the Kenora Health Hub, four cases in the Rainy River Health Hub, three each in the Dryden and Emo Health Hubs, and one each in the Red Lake and Atikokan Health Hubs. 

The NWHU did confirm that the cases found in the Sioux Lookout Health Hub do include cases reported in First Nation communities in the Sioux Lookout area. 

Canada sends military help to Bearskin Lake

Members of the Canadian Armed Forces are headed to Bearskin Lake First Nation.

Emergency Preparedness Minister Bill Blair says members of the Canadian Armed Forces Rangers will be on the ground to assist Bearskin Lake with their COVID-19 outbreak, and they completed their initial assessment of the community over the weekend.

Four armed forces members are expected to be in the community until at least January 23, and are expected to assist with delivering essential supplies, food and groceries and wood needed to heat homes.

Alberta adds over 17,000 new COVID-19 cases over the weekend

Dr. Deena Hinshaw provided a COVID-19 update for Monday, January 10.

The province has added 17,577 new COVID-19 cases since last Thursday.

Friday, January 7 there were 6,161 new cases, Saturday saw 6,135 and Sunday 5,281 new cases were reported.

Alberta's active case count is now at 56,332.

Hospitalizations have risen to 635 and ICU admissions are at 72. 

Sadly, another six deaths have been reported over the weekend. 

Update - Current Public Health Orders Extended For Three More Weeks

***Updated Monday, Jan 10, 2022***

The province has issued clarification as it relates to previous wording regarding proof of vaccination, and has corrected information about negative tests in the section of public health orders on indoor sports and recreation, including dance, theatre and music spaces under the new restrictions.

Spectators for indoor and outdoor sporting and recreation capacity is reduced to 50 per cent capacity or 250 people, whichever is less.

Active cases of COVID-19 in Grande Prairie start to climb

As of January 6, 2022 the City of Grande Prairie has 184 active cases of COVID-19, and the County of Grande Prairie has 95 cases.

Cases of COVID-19 across the rest of the province sit at 43,414 active cases. 

Hospitalizations are currently at 504, and a total of 64 Albertans are in intensive care receiving treatment. 

COVID-19 Jan 10: 1 Death Reported Since Saturday, 271 New Cases Monday in Prairie Mountain Health

Based on provincial data, public health officials are highlighting the following trends for the week ending Jan. 6:

an average of 1,814.7 new cases per day;
a total of 201 new hospitalizations, a 51.1 per cent increase from the previous week;
a total of 20 new ICU cases, a 5.3 per cent increase from the previous week; and
a total of 12,703 cases, a 6.9 per cent increase from the previous week.

Key Updates

COVID-19 hospitalizations spike over weekend, 378 people in hospital

Nineteen more people with COVID-19 have died, including two men in their 20s.

There are 81 new hospitalizations, bringing the total number of people in the hospital to 378. According to the provincial dashboard, 341 of those people have active cases.

There are 39 people in intensive care with all but one of those people having active cases.

Hospitalizations by health region include:

Local hockey leader calling on Ontario to resume sports

Parents across Northwestern Ontario are frustrated with the provincial government's latest COVID-19 restrictions pausing sports altogether for at least 21 days.

Mike Sveinson, a leader in the hockey community has taken it upon himself to become an advocate for youth sports as he started a petition calling on the government to resume sports after the 21-day pause.

In his petition, he asks for the government to be true to their word and resume youth sports letting kids play again.