Manitoba government introduces legislation to lower fuel taxes

Finance Minister Adrien Sala announced Thursday that the province is introducing amendments to the fuel tax act, which would temporarily pause the provincial tax collection on gasoline for at least six months starting next year.

"We know there is an affordability crisis in Manitoba and across Canada," says Sala. "This legislation would provide much-needed relief to Manitobans during these unprecedented times of high inflation. The bill would help everyone from the family rushing their kids off to different activities to the small business owner who relies on their car for work."

Get your car winter-ready now, or face the consequences: Tips and Advice from CAA Manitoba

Winter is approaching, and experts are encouraging Manitobans to prepare their vehicles for the upcoming season.

CAA Manitoba's Communications Manager, Elisha Dacey, says you should be using the time we have this fall to prepare for winter before Southern Manitoba becomes a snow globe. 

"Winter is around the corner. It's coming, folks. So, this is the time when the weather is still relatively nice to make sure that your vehicle is ready to go."

AMM President Blight meets Premier-Designate Kinew

Association of Manitoba Municipalities (AMM) President Kam Blight sat down with premier-designate Wab Kinew last week to discuss the province's priorities concerning the 137 municipalities that AMM speaks for. 

Blight expressed, the meeting was an excellent start for AMM and the premier-designate to work together on common goals.

"I felt that there was a lot of common ground on certain priorities that we shared that we can be working towards as part of some common goals going forward. Overall, I feel it was a very positive and productive meeting." 

AMM President meets Premier-designate Wab Kinew

Association of Manitoba Municipalities (AMM) President Kam Blight sat down with premier-designate Wab Kinew on Monday to discuss the province's priorities concerning the 137 municipalities that the organization speaks for.

Blight expressed that the meeting was an excellent start for AMM and the premier-designate to work together.

"I felt that there was a lot of common ground on certain priorities that we shared that we can be working towards as part of some common goals going forward. Overall, I feel it was a very positive and productive meeting." 

Jeff Bereza elected winner for Portage MLA seat

While the governing party of Manitoba may have changed during the 43rd Provincial Election, Portage's affiliation stayed the same. Electing Progressive Conservative (PC) Jeff Bereza for the vacant MLA seat given up by former PC Ian Wishart.

Bereza told PortageOnline he looks forward to having the honour of representing everyone in the constituency.

"I just want to thank everybody first of all that voted, thank you for voting and for all those that voted for me to be elected. Thank you so much."

Province takes steps to make deadly intersection near Carberry further protected from future collisions

The Manitoba Government is attempting to improve the safety at the site of one of the most tragic events in the province's history.

Seventeen people were killed after a crash on Highway 5 and Highway 1 (Trans Canada) near Carberry on June 15. The collision occurred after a bus of seniors from Dauphin was travelling to a casino near Carberry, when it collided with a semi-truck.

Province takes steps to make deadly intersection near Carberry further protected from future collisions

The Manitoba Government is attempting to improve the safety at the site of one of the most tragic events in the province's history.

Seventeen people were killed after a crash on Highway 5 and Highway 1 (Trans Canada) near Carberry on June 15. The collision occurred after a bus of seniors from Dauphin was travelling to a casino near Carberry, when it collided with a semi-truck.

Manitoba government announces millions in funding for municipalities infrastructure projects outside of Winnipeg

Municipal Relations Minister Andrew Smith announced Tuesday in Gimll that the Manitoba government is investing $84 million to provide funding to support infrastructure undertakings in communities outside Winnipeg.