Schroeder humbled to be named Altona's next mayor

Harv Schroeder is looking forward to his new role as Mayor for the Town of Altona. He was acclaimed to the top job last week after no other candidates stepped forward. 

"It's a humbling feeling that the ratepayers of this community have allowed me to be the Mayor, and I'm looking forward to a busy four years," said Schroeder. "It's an honour to be able to sit in that chair and see the town move forward."

He was asked if the weight of the role had hit him yet, three days after he was acclaimed.

Altona's pop-up dog park a tremendous success

A temporary off-leash dog park set up north of Altona's Millennium Exhibition Centre this summer has proven quite popular. 

"It has been used tremendously," said the town's recreation manager, Eric Hildebrand, noting the department has also garnered excellent feedback from users. The Town launched an online survey in conjunction with the opening of the pop-up park. 

Are rising interest rates curbing inflation?

The Bank of Canada continues to try to wrangle rising inflation and, last week, raised its key interest rate once again.
Canada's year-over-year inflation rate did fall back from 8.1 per cent in June down to 7.6 per cent in July, however further increases to interest rates are expected this year. 
We asked Larry Davey, President and CEO of Access Credit Union, if the strategy is working.

R.M. of Morris Reeve Ralph Groening calling it a career

After 27 years in municipal politics - 12 as Reeve for the Municipality of Morris - Ralph Groening will not be letting his name stand for re-election next month. 

"This has been a really difficult decision for me and my partner. There was lots of discussion, but there does come a time in a person's life, and this has been a minor career for me, and the decision that we've made is that I will choose to step aside and give the opportunity to lead the R.M. of Morris to someone else," explained Groening.

WSD experiencing burst in student enrolment

A burst in student enrolment is playing out as expected in the Western School Division (WSD).
At the start of last week, growth was registered at 8 per cent over the 2021/22 school year, and Superintendent Stephen Ross says he wouldn't be shocked if that inched closer to 10 per cent in the next little while, once again slating Western as one of the fastest growing school divisions in Manitoba.

BLSD aims to reduce barriers with playground communication boards

An effort is underway to reduce barriers to communication on playgrounds within Border Land School Division (BLSD).  

Through its Accessibility Fund, the Manitoba government is providing $6,500 to help cover the cost of creating and installing Communication Boards in 12 playgrounds within 8 communities in the division. BLSD will offset the $8,900 cost with in-kind resources.