Statistics Canada releases newest field crop estimates

With harvest continuing in Canada, Statistics Canada has released its newest report on the estimates for many of the crops being grown.

This month's totals have come as many farmers are seeing an excellent end to a good growing season, with hot and sunny weather helping to dry out the crops.

The latest report takes that into account, as the previous August 29 report only recorded conditions up to July, with the new data going up to the end of August.

Most of the crops are seeing a slight bump in the yields that are being predicted thanks to the new report:

Frost playing a role in harvest progress

After a start of September that showed off unseasonably warm conditions, there was a sudden dip on the weekend that nearly brought frosty conditions.

Over the weekend, specifically on September 9, a frost advisory was issued for many jurisdictions in Saskatchewan.

That was caused by the overnight temperatures plunging in what could have been the first below-zero night in months.

Agrologist Edgar Hammermeister explains that's had an impact on the currently ongoing harvest for farmers, albeit a small one.

Airline industry still seeing hiccups as more flights opening up

Recently, WestJet announced they would be resuming three more international flights out of the Regina airport, which were halted due to the pandemic.

Travelers will once again have the option of traveling to Cancun, Orlando, or Las Vegas twice a week from the airport.

Even as the world seems to be opening up more, there are still a few stumbles along the way that potential passengers should know about. 

Denise Taylor, a Travel Advisor with TravelOnly, says that while as a whole the airline industry has been doing well, there are still some problems cropping up.

August oil and gas offering doubles revenue compared to last year

Saskatchewan's public offering of Crown petroleum and natural gas rights held on Tuesday, August 9, raised $6,520,191.82, more than doubling the August 2021 offering.

This brings the current total for the 2022-23 fiscal year to $28,761,806.18 in revenue for the province.

The August sale is the third public offering scheduled for the 2022-23 fiscal year.

The previous five sales raised $2.9 million in June, $19M in April, $6.1M in February 2022, $1.4M in December; and $1.9M in October 2021.

Expanded reliability for rural 4G services coming to Leader

More reliable networks will be present in rural areas in the future, as part of a new investment announced back in July from SaskTel.

Multiple rural locations, including Leader, will be upgraded as part of a $10 million initiative from the crown corporation, installing Samsung Radio Access Network capabilities.

That will be headed to 30 communities, with work already begun at some sites.

External Communications Manager Greg Jacobs explains a bit about the upgrades taking place at the towers.

Expanded reliability for rural 4G services from new $10 million SaskTel investment

More reliable networks will be present in rural areas in the future, as part of a new investment from SaskTel.

Multiple rural locations will be upgraded as part of a $10 million initiative from the crown corporation, installing Samsung Radio Access Network capabilities.

That will be headed to 30 communities, with work already begun at some sites.

External Communications Manager Greg Jacobs explains a bit about the upgrades taking place at the towers.

New NDP leader tours southeast corner, talks with ranchers

The newly-elected Saskatchewan NDP leader started off her first week in the position by beginning a tour around the province.

Carla Beck's first stop was here in the southeast, meeting business owners in the livestock industry at a ranch near Roche Percee.

At the event, Beck branded cattle and observed some of the best practices for livestock being put into practice on the farm.

The tour is part of a strategy that began during her campaign for party leader, to get out and meet people in Saskatchewan.

Carla Beck starting NDP leadership with tour across Saskatchewan

The new leader of the Saskatchewan NDP is looking to get out and socialize with communities across the province.

Carla Beck won the party's leadership convention over the weekend, bringing in 68% of the vote.

Now she's getting ready for the Building To Win tour where she and her caucus will visit areas across Saskatchewan.

Beck says that as the new leader she's looking forward to visiting areas she hasn't been to in a long time.

SaskEnergy starting free tune-up program as costs set to rise

SaskEnergy's Tune-Up Assistance Program is entering its fifth year after it began June 13, providing Saskatchewan homeowners with a cheap way to keep their furnaces running.

The program lets certain homeowners apply for the program that will let them get a free tune-up, as well as other items from SaskEnergy.

Media Relations Manager Brian Miller explains some of the limitations to who can apply: