Summer project at Winkler Daycare is "a dream come true," according to Director

A dream to update the ageing sheds and storage space in the backyard of the Winkler Daycare Centre became a reality this past summer.
"A few years ago we actually had a really good desire to update our sheds and our storage space here in the backyard at Winkler Day Care. We need more storage space and needed new sheds, cause the ones that we've had, I think have been here since before 1988," said Winkler Daycare Executive Director, Ang Nickel.

"It's an amazing and a humbling experience" - Genesis House Executive Director on seeing donations at work

The Executive Director of Genesis House described the last fiscal year as a 'bizarre year,' but a good year in the sense they were able to provide complete service.

A meeting to officially close the books on the 2022 fiscal year, which ended on March 31st was held on Monday.

Executive Director Ang Braun, says they had an extremely busy year, which was the complete opposite of the first year of the COVID pandemic.

"School is the centre of our communities," says new GVSD Superintendent as he looks ahead to new year

The new superintendent of the Garden Valley School Division (GVSD) said he's feeling very optimistic for the start of the new school year. He also feels many others are feeling the same optimism as the 2022/2023 school year approaches. The first day of school in GVSD is September 7th.

"After a few years there's some fatigue that's built in, and that definitely will be an issue," said GVSD Superintendent Dan Ward. "We're going to really have to watch out for each other as we start this school year, because there certainly have been some trying times."

Deputy Reeve Ike Friesen seeking top job in RM of Stanley

A candidate has stepped forward to run for reeve in the R.M. of Stanley in the October 26th municipal election. Current Deputy Reeve for the RM of Stanley Ike Friesen says he has collected the required signatures to run and is ready to submit his papers to run.
Friesen was first elected as a councillor in the RM of Stanley in 2018 and has served as Deputy Reeve for the last year and a half.

Developer approved for significant residential infill project north of Highway 14

A development agreement passed Tuesday night during Winkler city council's meeting, should ensure housing needs in the growing city continue to be met.
Winkler Mayor Martin Harder says it will include a mix of housing types, including affordable housing. The developer plans to subdivide 136 residential lots, and build 48 duplexes, 7 six-plexes, 2 eight-plexes, and a future ~30-unit apartment complex.

Central Energy win Gold at U15 Western Canadian Girls Softball Championships

The following is a submitted article from Travis Long outlining the Central Energy's win at the Western Canadian Girls Fastball Championship in Stonewall last weekend:

The U15 Central Energy defeated the Calgary Adrenaline 9-3 in the finals to win Gold at the Western Canadian Fastball Championships in Stonewall on August 7th.