Serata: Manitoba music teachers perform to help raise money

This Sunday, May 1st at 7:00pm at St. Andrew’s River Heights United Church, the Manitoba Registered Music Teachers’ Association (MRMTA) will be presenting a concert that they are calling “Serata.” The concert will feature some of the amazing teachers who belong to the MRMTA, with monies from the concert going towards professional developments programs, as well as providing funds to help MRMTA teachers attend future Canadian Federation of Music Teachers’ Association conferences.

CMC Manitoba Chapter raises money superstar Manitoba music students

Since 1958 the Canadian Music Competition (CMC) has been showcasing the very best in Canadian classical music. Divided up into age groups beginning with seven and under, students are selected from a Provincial round of competition to compete in the national competition that is being held in Quebec City this year.

Wolseley bike shop sells bicycles built for people with disabilities

With the weather warming up, people are finding the urge to get outside and move around especially after this long cold winter. The cabin fever is waning and bicycling in Manitoba always increases this time of year.

For those who are healthy, the ability to move their legs very often gets taken for granted and biking is no problem at all. However if you have an issue with leg strength due to a neurological condition such as Multiple Sclerosis, or stroke; or  you have joint issues such as a bad hip or knee, biking might not be something that comes to the top of mind.

LISTEN: Amanda Cook releasing new music with album on the way

Award-winning singer/songwriter Amanda Cook is releasing a new single, the first under this name since 2019. 

Amanda Cook, also known as Amanda Falk, Amanda Lindsey Cook, and Falcon (2020), is releasing her new single 'While We Wait.' She grew up in Manitoba, Canada, but she currently resides in Los Angeles, California. 

Cook has an 11-song album on the way called State of the Union, being released in May 2022. 

"An exploration of faith after a fire and the goodness of God, like gravity," says Cook of the upcoming album on Facebook.