Miles Ahead: Women’s Musical Club of Winnipeg presents exciting jazz fundraiser

Tomorrow night, Wednesday, September 6th at 7:00pm, the Women’s Musical Club of Winnipeg will be holding a fundraising concert in support of their Biennial WMC McLellan Competition at 510 South Drive.

Every two years, the WMC McLellan competition awards $20,000 dollars in cash prizes to three outstanding soloists. The intent of the WMC McLellan Scholarship is to provide career funding and performance opportunities for advanced Manitoba educated musicians pursuing performance careers.

Heart Strings: Rosamunde Summer Music Academy and Festival showcases student and faculty talent

rosamuinde poster

For many people summer is a time for relaxing and enjoying the warm weather. It’s a time for perhaps relaxing and doing some summer reading or maybe heading out to the cottage; or perhaps just simply taking a walk up the street to the nearest 7-11 and picking up a Slurpee.

August Edition of What to Read with McNally Robinson Booksellers

August is most certainly here in Winnipeg. The weather is warm, the mosquitoes are out, the BDI is open and construction abounds throughout the city. With these warm summery temperatures it is the perfect time to perhaps sit on a park bench or maybe stay inside and enjoy the air conditioning and read a good book.

Chris Hall from McNalley Robison Booksellers Stopped by our Classic 107 studios to give his book selections for What to Read for August. Here are his choices:

Strawberry Fields Forever: Local Business celebrates the start of the summer

With these warm temperatures we have been enjoying it is clear that summer is definitely here. That also means that already, some tasty locally grown fruits and vegetables are starting to come into season and farmers are starting to sell the fruits of their labour to local businesses.

One of the businesses that has benefited from this boom of produce is St. Leon Gardens.