Local worship leader responds to call from God to start music ministry

After years of working towards answering a call from God, local artist Nathan Keys is anticipating the release of his first single to bring together church members in worship.

Nathan Keys grew up in a small town called Enniskillen, in Northern Ireland. He moved to Canada in 2007 when he was 14 years old.

For the past 16 years, he's been regularly attending a church in Winnipeg as part of the youth worship teams and now for the past 10 years, as a worship leader.

Mozart and More with the Winnipeg Chamber Music Society

This Wednesday and Friday at 7:30 at the Winnipeg Art Gallery the Winnipeg Chamber Music Society (WCMS) will be holding their annual mini concert festival that they call Mozart and More. Consisting of music of Mozart, these performances will also feature music of Kodaly, Shostakovich, Brahms and Canadian composer Michael Oesterle.

Local woman uses past struggles as song inspiration

Grace Olarinde is a gospel and inspirational singer-songwriter from Winnipeg who is using the hardships she's faced to give glory to God for always getting her through it.

Olarinde grew up in Nigeria where she met her husband and had four daughters. She's always had a passion for singing and participates in her church choir.

Before moving to Canada, Olarinde found herself extremely ill, to the point where she thought she wouldn't make it. She begged her husband to take care of their children if she passed.

UNCORKED with G.J. Andrews Food and Wine Shoppe: This month--2018 Paso Dragon

paso dragon fact sheet

April was a month of freezing and thawing that saw the roads here in Winnipeg turn into pot-hole obstacle courses. Hopefully this month of May will be considerably warmer and we will actually be able to get outside and enjoy a nice steak on the barbeque…with perhaps a little wine.