Before schools out for summer, Kyle Composite looks to win $10,000

Playing outside is always better in a greener space. 

That's why the kids at Kyle Composite School are excited to compete for a $10,000 grant for their school to get an upgrade for their outdoor area. 

Helping the kids in this competition is Kyle School Principal, Penny Calvert. 

"We are looking to build an outdoor learning space," said Calvert. "With this [competition] we had to create a video saying why we want to have this money donated to us and our grade nine class jumped on that."

PSAC strike continues amidst calls for cost of living adjustment

The ongoing strike by members of the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) is continuing as they look to settle contract issues with the federal government. 

In the southeast, PSAC members have drawn a picket line In Regina, Weyburn, and Indian Head, looking to bring attention to their cause.

PSAC is a nationwide organization with thousands of members. So far, over 150,000 picketers have taken up the strike across Canada, enacting a stoppage/slowdown to many services.

Advice on coyote interactions

Coyotes are no strangers to Humboldt and the surrounding communities. Towns border on aspen stands, wildlife preserves and open area which are natural habitats for an increasing coyote population. 

In the winter months, coyotes skirt the communities in search of prey and occasionally venture into towns and yards. Travis Williams, a wildlife allocation specialist with the Saskatchewan Ministry of Environment, cautions folks against ever approaching the wild animals.

SaskPower continuous to consider Lake Diefenbaker for nuclear facility

Nuclear power is coming to Saskatchewan. The question is, will it be based near Lake Diefenbaker?

That's what SaskPower is trying to figure out with its continued meeting with various communities around the large, man made lake. Building their Small Modular Reactor (SMR) by the lake would be ideal for the Crown Corporation, as it would provide access to the water needed to cool the facility. 

Media Spokesperson for SaskPower, Scott McGregor, is happy with all the feedback they have received during their community visits. 

New act provides new provincial resources for owners and officials

With the Saskatchewan Firearms Act (SFA) passing into law, the province is offering more support for citizens and law enforcement. 

The SFA will allow the province more autonomy regarding certain scenarios and situations surrounding investigating and handling firearms-related crimes and disputes.

Spring looks cool for 2023

Today is the first actual dose of spring for 2023, with sunny skies and a high of plus three. 

But it won't be a permanent change, as the forecast for the rest of the month and into April is calling for cooler conditions to persist. 

Meteorologist for Environment and Climate Change Canada, Terri Lang, is a little jealous of the southwest for getting warm weather during these persistent arctic air fronts. 

CEO speaks on hundreds of courses announced for SaskDLC

Options abound for students enrolling with the all-new Saskatchewan Distance Learning Corporation (SaskDLC). 

With the announcement that SaskDLC will be accepting students this spring and opening their digital doors not long after, it comes as no surprise that they have followed up with course options for their acolytes. 

Darren Gasper, CEO of SaskDLC, is heading up the efforts at the organization, where he and his contemporaries have managed to expand courses to nearly 200 unique options.

Time's ticking for ice shack removal deadlines

It's almost time to reel in the gear for the season.

The deadline for bringing in ice shacks off lakes and rivers is coming up, set for March 15 for all water bodies south of Highway 16.

With all the warm weather recently, many will have already made plans to fetch their transportable fishing abodes. Others may still want to get a few more lines in the water before they get up and go. 

Murray Koob, a sport fish specialist with the Saskatchewan Ministry of Environment, encourages even the most devoted of anglers not to leave it too long. 

The Pig Spleen Forecast for 2023 is in

Who needs weather satellites when you have pig spleens?

The Pig Spleen Forecast for 2023 has been conducted by Jeff Woodward, a professional pig spleen prognosticator. His family has been doing these forecasts ever since his Grandparents immigrated from Sweden. 

"I think my grandfather would do it as sort of a joke when he was a farmer in southwest Saskatchewan," said Woodward. "My uncle saw them doing this and then when he retired he decided that he was going to take it up in earnest. He gained a lot of notoriety when he made some predictions that came true."

February is for car lovers in newest SGI Traffic Spotlight

This month, SGI is running an anti-speeding campaign surrounding people's love for their vehicles.

 For a lot of people, their vehicle is a cherished item and is something they strive to take great care of. 

That's why, for the month of February, SGI is asking people to drive a little slower, a little more carefully, and to act a little more loving to their vehicles.

Tyler McMurchy, a spokesperson for SGI, is encouraging folks to embrace this Valentine's inspired push for safety.