Police & Fire Report Mar. 4/24

Moose Jaw Police Service

2024 March 3 – 2024 March 4

0700 hours – 0700 hours

Total Calls – 22


0653 hours – Noise Complaint.  Complainant advised of the City Bylaw.

0955 hours – Theft from vehicle.

1244 hours – Dispute.  Parties spoken to.

1548 hours – Motor Vehicle Accident.  Vehicle hit stop sign.

2056 hours – Assist to Locate.  Subject was located.

2210 hours – Assist to locate. Subject was located and is fine.

0320 hours – Unwanted guest.  Subject left on police request.



Police & Fire Report Feb. 27/24

Moose Jaw Police Service

2024 February 26 – 2024 February 27

0700 hours – 0700 hours

Total Calls – 35


0702 hours – Suspicious Person- Area searched, no one matching description located in area.

0909 hours – MVA- Vehicle lost control and hit a light pole causing approx. $50000 damage, one ticket issued, one vehicle towed.

1108 hours – MVA- One vehicle was rear ended at a yield sign, officers assisted with name exchange, no injuries, no damage.

1221 hours – Unwanted Guest- Left in care of EMS.

Police & Fire Report Feb. 26/24

Moose Jaw Police Service

2024 February 25 – 2024 February 26

0700 hours – 0700 hours

Total Calls – 30


1034 hours – Break and Enter –  3 trailer compartments broken into – SUI for video

1232 hours -vehicle seizure – driver was impoundable and given 3 tickets. Vehicle towed.

1704 hours – Noise Bylaw – loud music- playing. No music playing when police arrived. Homeowner warned and advised about noise bylaw.

Police & Fire Report Feb. 25/24

Moose Jaw Police Service

2024 February 24 – 2024 February 25

0700 hours – 0700 hours

Total Calls – 32


0930 hours – Break and Enter – property broke into and cash box taken- SUI

0943 – Suspicious person – subject in middle of road disrupting traffic – subject located in area and spoken to.

1008 hours – Suspicious Person – two subjects looking into vehicles – subjects located spoken to and were asked to leave private property.

1239 hours – Suspicious occurrence – rifle Stock found in park – to be disposed of

Police & Fire Report Feb. 24/24

Moose Jaw Police Service

2024 February 23 – 2024 February 24

0700 hours – 0700 hours

Total Calls – 47


0834 hours – Vehicle Seizure – subject driving while disqualified – vehicle impounded, and ticket issued.

1121 hours – Break and Enter – lock cut off building entered – $4500 Float taken – SUI for Video

1153 hours – Theft Under/Mischief – hole drilled in gas tank of vehicle and fuel stolen – Damage est $1000 sui for video.

1445 hours – mischief – hole drilled in gas tank of vehicle and fuel stolen – Damage est $1000.

Police & Fire Report Feb. 23/24

Moose Jaw Police Service

2024 February 22 – 2024 February 23

0700 hours – 0700 hours

Total Calls – 45


0826 hours – Suspicious Vehicle – Vehicle following subject. Vehicle gone on police arrival. Police provided a safe ride to subject.

0834 hours – Recovered Stolen Property – Stolen vehicle recovered in a backyard. Vehicle to be processed.

1138 hours – Break & Enter – Shed broken into. Approximately $500 worth of items stolen. No video or suspects.

Police & Fire Report Feb. 21/24

Moose Jaw Police Service
2024 February 20 – 2024 February 21
0700 hours – 0700 hours
Total Calls – 49


0750 hours – Breach Court Order – Subject on Court ordered conditions not to be near another person. Subjects located together. Charged and taken to a friend’s residence.

0842 hours – Attempted Theft – Attempted to remove catalytic converter from vehicle over weekend. Still under investigation to review video and identify suspects.

Police & Fire Report Feb. 20/24

Moose Jaw Police Service

2024 February 19 – 2024 February 20

0700 hours – 0700 hours

Total Calls – 24



0806 hours – Barking Dog – Complainant just wanted it reported for information, did not want police to attend.

0902 hours – Well Being Check – Spoke with the complainant and they stated that they had talked to the subject and that they were fine, no safety concerns at this time.

0953 hours – Theft Under – Occurred in the 400 block Main St S, shed was entered and gas was stolen, reported for information.

Police & Fire Report Feb. 19/24

Moose Jaw Police Service

2024 February 18 – 2024 February 19

0700 hours – 0700 hours

Total Calls – 19



0803 hours – Unwanted Guest-Subject was located and left upon request.

0842 hours – Found Property- Wallet to be returned to the owner.

1046 hours – Hit & Run- Reported for informational purposes and to receive file# for SGI.

1119 hours –Unwanted Guest- Subject was reported for smoking inside building, to be given smoking bylaw ticket.

Police & Fire Report Feb. 18/24

Moose Jaw Police Service

2024 February 17 – 2024 February 18

0700 hours – 0700 hours

Total Calls – 43


0925 hours – Mischief – Between Monday 12 and present 50L of gas was stole out of truck parked on the 1200 block Coteau St.

1027 hours – False 911 – Area was searched with coordinates given, no emergency.

1028 hours – Parking Bylaw– Registered owner to be contacted and made aware of concerns.

1058 hours –SO TOXA- Subject issued 60 Day licence suspension and a ticket.