Police & Fire Report Feb. 17/24

Moose Jaw Police Service

2024 February 16 – 2024 February 17

0700 hours – 0700 hours

Total Calls – 61


0736 hours – Mischief – suspect charged with mischief, released on an appearance notice.

0835 hours – Fraud – Advice was given, Facebook marketplace scam, no money loss.

0930 hours – Fraud – Reported for informational purposes, no money lost.

0958 hours –Fraud- Document obtained, QR code scam, still under investigation.

1019 hours – Mischief – Reported for insurance purpose, file number provided.

Police & Fire Report Feb. 16/24

Moose Jaw Police Service

2024 February 15 – 2024 February 16

0700 hours – 0700 hours

Total Calls – 49


0807 hours – Hit and Run – occurred overnight, no cameras no suspects.

0814 hours- MVA Over $5000 – vehicle vs deer – approx. $10,000 damage, no injuries

1031 hours – Dispute – female subject arrested and charged for Aiding and Abetting

2111 hours – Break and Enter in progress – various items stolen, suspects wearing masks on video, SUI

2202 hours – Attempted break and enter – suspect wearing mask, SUI

Police & Fire Report Feb. 14/24

Moose Jaw Police Service

2024 February 13 – 2024 February 14

0700 hours – 0700 hours

Total Calls – 65


0829 hours – Mischief – Approximately $600 damage to vehicle. File number provided.

0837 hours – Mischief – Approximately $2000 damage to vehicle. File number provided.

0848 hours – Break & Enter – Garage broken into, items stolen. Still under investigation.

0958 hours – Hit & Run – Approximately $2000 damage to vehicle. File number provided.

Police & Fire Report Feb. 13/24

Moose Jaw Police Service
2024 February 12 – 2024 February 13
0700 hours – 0700 hours
Total Calls – 73


0802 hours – Unwanted Guest – Subject was sent on their way.

0843 hours – Parking Bylaw – Ticket Issued.

0918 hour – Unwanted Guest – Subject to be banned from property.

1011 hours – Theft Under – Still under investigation for charges.

1059 hours – Dispute – Advice given.

1134 hours – Impaired Driving – Vehicle seized & impounded for Three days.

1217 hours – Disturbance – Situation mediated.

Police & Fire Report Feb. 11/24

Moose Jaw Police Service

2024 February 10 – 2024 February 11

0700 hours – 0700 hours

Total Calls – 54



0827 hours – Unwanted Guest – Subject located and charged with trespassing.

1103 hours – Threats – No physical threats were made, advise was provided to the complainant.

1257 hours – Theft Under – Occurred in the 1000 block Clifton Ave, garage broken into, reported for information.

1416 hours – Suspicious Person – Spoke with subject, they’re fine and will go to Tim Hortons to warm up.

Police & Fire Report Feb. 10/24

Moose Jaw Police Service

2024 February 9 – 2024 February 10

0700 hours – 0700 hours

Total Calls – 42


0816 hours – Threats– Occurred two days ago, persons known to each other.  Subject responsible to be warned.

0835 hours – Dispute – Alcohol fueled dispute between two parties.  Separated.

0914 hours – Theft Under – Propane taken from yard.  Description of subject responsible provided sent to Police.

1000 hours – Well Being Check – Subject located at residence, advised to follow up with employer.

Police & Fire Report Feb. 8/24

Moose Jaw Police Service

2024 February 7 – 2024 February 8

0700 hours – 0700 hours

Total Calls –59



0806 hours- Dispute- Reported for Information.

0849 hours- Bylaw-1100 block Alder Ave-Barking Dog at 5:30 am, Owner of the dogs will be spoken to regarding the bylaw.

0928 hours- Alarm Call- False alarm area searched house was all secure, alarm was activated by animal sitter.

0941 hours- Dispute- Verbal argument, nothing physical, both parties were spoken to and situation mediated.

Police & Fire Report Feb. 7/24

Moose Jaw Police Service 

2024 February 6 – 2024 February 7 

0700 hours – 0700 hours 

Total Calls – 43 



0857 hours – Break and Enter – two subjects entered a home- subjects arrested and charged with Break and Enter. 

1044 hours – Dangerous dog chased complainant – complainant just looking for advice. 

1051 hours- Male subject on property after being banned – SUI to review video footage and charge male subject. 

Police & Fire Report Feb. 6/24

Moose Jaw Police Service

2024 February 5 – 2024 February 6

0700 hours – 0700 hours

Total Calls – 65


0911 hours – Fraud – Facebook firewood scam – reported for info purposes

0930 hours -Fraud – E transferred money to buy deer antlers to feed dogs – reported for info purposes

1035 hours – Theft Under $5000 – Gift cards stolen buy staff- sui

1057 hours – Break and Enter – items stolen – video obtained, sui to lay charges

1155 hours – Theft over $5000- trailer stolen over night – SUI

Police & Fire Report Feb. 5/24

Moose Jaw Police Service

2024 February 4 – 2024 February 5

0700 hours – 0700 hours

Total Calls – 32



1015 hours – Unwanted Guest – Subject loitering & smoking in bank vestibule. Police attended, subject was charged with Mischief.

1254 hours – Unwanted Guest – Subject no longer welcome in residence. Belongings packed & left willingly.

1538 hours – Unwanted Guest – Subject smoking in vestibule. Police attended, subject warned not to return.