Police & Fire Report Feb. 4/24

Moose Jaw Police Service
2024 February 3 – 2024 February 4
0700 hours – 0700 hours
Total Calls – 42

0809 hours – Unwanted Guest – Subject asked to leave restaurant but refused. Police attended, subject sent on their way.

0809 hours – Mischief – Subject threw brick through a window, fled scene. Subject to be located & charged with Breach & Mischief.

1109 hours – Disturbance – Subject severely intoxicated & yelling at driver. Subject was taken to hospital.

Police & Fire Report Feb. 3/24

Moose Jaw Police Service
2024 February 2 – 2024 February 3
0700 hours – 0700 hours
Total Calls – 56


0931 hours – Suspicious Person – Subject attempting to access vehicles. Items stolen. Still under investigation to locate & charge subject.

0942 hours – Indecent Act – Subject exposing themselves to individuals on private property. Police attended, subject to be charged.

1006 hours – Well Being Check – Unresponsive subject laying on a table in shopping centre. Police & EMS attended & confirmed subject was well.

Police & Fire Report Feb. 2/24

Moose Jaw Police Service
2024 February 1 – 2024 February 2
0700 hours – 0700 hours
Total Calls – 57


0734 hours – Trespass– Subject in entrance way of building, previously banned. Subject issued ticket for trespassing.

0759 hours – Break & Enter – Compound and vehicle entered, tools missing. Police continue to investigate.

0824 hours – Trespass – Subject pacing around in ATM area of bank, refusing to leave. Subject located, found to be banned from property. Ticket issued for trespassing.

Police & Fire Report Feb. 1/24

Moose Jaw Police Service

2024 January 31 – 2024 February 1

0700 hours – 0700 hours

Total Calls – 48



0800 hours – Mischief – Vehicle looked through, some coins stolen, file number provided.

0807 hours – Mischief – Subject was gone prior to police arrival.

0829 hours – Parking Bylaw – No answer from the registered owner, still under investigation.

0841 hours – Mischief – Occurred in the 600 block of 9th Ave NW, approximately $100 and jumper cables stolen.

Police & Fire Report Jan. 31/24

Moose Jaw Police Service

2024 January 30 – 2024 January 31

0700 hours – 0700 hours

Total Calls – 46


0856 Hours – Unwanted Guest- No police involvement was necessary due to it being a civil dispute.

0908 Hours – Assault- Suspect was arrested for assault with a weapon and held for court.

0912 Hours – Break & Enter- 200 Block Main Street South­- Subject tried to break into building through a door, causing property damage.

0929 Hours – Suspicious Occurrence- Advice and clarification was given on previous occurrence.

Police & Fire Report Jan. 30/24

Moose Jaw Police Service

2024 January 29 – 2024 January 30

0700 hours – 0700 hours

Total Calls – 39


0802 Hours – Parking Bylaw- Registered owner contacted and moved vehicle.

0822 Hours – Hit & Run-1600 block Dunn Street-Vehicle was hit over night resulting in $2500 Damage.

0846 Hours – Theft- Lunch kit Values at $15 was stolen out of vehicle from passenger, reported for information.

0900 Hours –Suspicious Vehicle- Vehicle was legally parked on street, checked to make sure not stolen.

Police & Fire Report Jan. 29/24

Moose Jaw Police Service

2024 January 28 – 2024 January 29

0700 hours – 0700 hours

Total Calls – 32


1010 hours – Mischief – window damaged- no video no witnesses.

1503 hours – theft under $5000- male stole a whole box of kit Kats – subject identified. SUI for charges.

1717 hours – dangerous driving – vehicle honking at people and passing on the bridge – no plate number provided-reported for info purposes.

1758 hours – mischief – someone threw rocks and damaged a vehicle- sui to obtain video.

Police and Fire Report Jan. 28/24

Moose Jaw Police Service 

2024 January 27 – 2024 January 28 

0700 hours – 0700 hours 

Total Calls – 29  



0909 hours – Dispute.  Advise provided to complainant. 

1131 hours – Dispute.  Mediated. 

1142 hours – Fraud.  Still under investigation. 

1221 hours – Theft Under.  Still under investigation for possible charges. 

1333 hours – Mischief to vehicle.  Still under investigation. 

1432 hours – Mischief to property.  Still under investigation. 

Police & Fire Report Jan. 27/24

Moose Jaw Police Service 

2024 January 26 – 2024 January 27 

0700 hours – 0700 hours 

Total Calls – 46 



0740 hours. Well Being Check. Subject was located and did not need police assistance. 

0801 hours. Unwanted Guest. Subject left upon police request. 

1040 hours. Theft of Merchandise. Subject stole multiple items, still under investigation. 

1100 hours. Motor Vehicle Collision. Vehicle vs pole no injuries, approx. 10,000 in damage and 1 ticket issued. 

Police & Fire Report Jan. 26/24

Moose Jaw Police Service

2024 January 25 – 2024 January 26

0700 hours – 0700 hours

Total Calls – 46



0917 Hours – Suspicious Person – Subject running down a back alley. Located & sent on their way.

1209 Hours – Fraud – Complainant was victim of fraud. Advice & file number provided.

1300 Hours – Well Being Check – Staff at residence requesting well being check on resident. Resident was spoken to, all was well.