Celebrating the unsung heroes: Manitoba Opera set to induct inaugural “Chorus Hall of Fame” members

Manitoba Opera fetes 50 years this weekend with an anniversary concert at the Centennial Concert Hall. 

Featuring a stellar roster of internationally acclaimed artists, the evening promises to be a spectacular celebration of the grandest of art forms.  

A beloved and integral part of any opera is the chorus. The group of singers that commit to many roles and emotions – often reflecting, enhancing and heightening the drama taking place on stage.  

Valentine's Day on Winnipeg's Classic 107

Love is in the air... and on the airwaves! 

Revel in the romantic with music to celebrate Valentine's Day on Winnipeg's Classic 107. 

Indulge in musical bonbons, confections and treats that will set your heart aflutter.  

Whether the love be new, longtime or unrequited, hear music to fete it and learn more about the circumstances surrounding the pieces. 

Be sure to follow along using the Classic 107 Playlog

Happy Valentine's Day! 


Black artisan maker market and exhibits at Human Rights Museum

Throughout the month of February, the Human Rights Museum has a number of programs and exhibits ready for viewing to help educate the public on Black history.

February is Black History Month, and many organizations and institutes take the time to put together events and programs to recognize the past and make aware of current situations of racism and teach others to be inclusive.

Turning classical music on its head: the “gentlemen of hip hop” perform with the WSO

Hip hop dance meets classical music at the Centennial Concert Hall this weekend when the FLY Dance Company swoops in from Houston, Texas to join the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra in their next show.  

“What we’re trying to do with this performance is bridge the gap,” says FLY Dance Company’s Executive Director Jorge Casco of the seemingly disparate genres.