Local arenas benefit from this year's Community Rink Affordability Grants

Most Saskatchewan rinks are quiet in the warm days of summer, locked up but for local celebrations and events on the odd occasion. During the summer months, that’s when maintenance is often undertaken for the upcoming winter months. An important piece of helping with those repairs and operating costs has always been the Community Rink Affordability Grants from the province.  

This year 585 skating and curling ice surfaces across the province received funding through the grant program.  

SPONSORED: Anchor of Hope: With You Wherever You Go

Have you ever met someone who always seems so positive despite the many difficulties they are experiencing? Most of my life I have struggled with anxiety and depression, so I have always wondered how a person can emanate joy even during difficult times. Since coming to Christ last year and delving into God’s word, I am starting to understand from where that joy comes.

Moose Jaw Wakamow MLA pleads not guilty to assault charges

Moose Jaw Wakamow MLA Greg Lawrence has pleaded not guilty to a pair of assault charges during Moose Jaw Provincial Court on Wednesday.

Defence lawyer Estes Fonkalsrud appeared in court on Lawrence's behalf to enter the pleas. Fonkalsrud told the court they would be looking for a full day for the trial.

Judge David Chow said, that before court dates can be canvassed, further discussions would need to happen with the court manager about bringing in an out-of-town relief judge. Provincial Crown Prosecutor Rob Parker confirmed that he could stay on the file.

Enhancing rural health: Saskatchewan to add 27 permanent nurse practitioners

The Government of Saskatchewan announced today that 27 new permanent nurse practitioner (NP) positions are now available, with applications being accepted until June 10, 2024.

The provincial government allocated $4.5 million in this year's budget for these positions to increase access to primary care in underserved areas.

The Ministry of Health collaborated with the Saskatchewan Health Authority and the Saskatchewan Association of Nurse Practitioners (SANP) to prioritize 25 communities that require additional NP services, including Lanigan and Kelvington.

Pilot project launched for Regional Emergency Mangement Operation in Humboldt

Steps have been made towards a Regional Emergency Mangement Operation in Humboldt and the surrounding area.  

The discussion has been ongoing for several years, with interest being expressed along with communities and rural municipalities in the area. 

This led to a successful application for a TSS grant to hire a consultant to help develop an emergency plan for the region.