Cattle producers are pleased with the changes to the Livestock Tax Defferal program

The Canadian Cattle Association (CCA) is pleased with the changes the federal government has made to the Livestock Tax Deferral (LTD) program.

Changes included adding a buffer zone to tthe LTD designated regions and RM's to ensure impacted producers will be eligible.

This year's program includes some areas in Saskatchewan and Manitoba, with the majority of Alberta listed under the program.

Doug Roxburgh is a CCA director and vice-chair of Alberta Beef with a cow-calf operation at Rimbey.

Alberta to ban cellphones in K-12 classrooms starting in fall

Alberta is moving to ban cellphones in kindergarten to Grade 12 classrooms starting in the fall.

Alberta Education Minister Demetrios Nicolaides said Monday that cellphones help with learning but can also be a distraction and lead to cyberbullying.

He said there will be exceptions for students who use phones for health needs, such as monitoring blood sugar levels.

Otherwise, personal devices must be turned off and stored out of sight during class time. School internet networks will also have to limit access to social media, Nicolaides said.

Herperger duo are the big winners at an abbreviated edition of HGC Father's Day Tournament

It was a mixed bag of weather on the weekend at Humboldt Golf Club’s Annual Father’s Day Tournament.   

On Saturday, the golfers were presented with ideal playing conditions, while on Sunday the cold wind and rain forced a cancellation midway through the final round of the two-day event.   

APAS report shows farmers are getting less while consumers are paying more

The Agricultural Producers Association of Saskatchewan has released its 2024 Farmers and Food Prices Report. 

The APAS report shows a concerning trend: farmers are receiving lower prices for their commodities, while consumers are paying more at the grocery store.

President Ian Boxall says the disparity between the farmer's portion and retail prices highlights a broken system that fails both producers and consumers.

LFCE Summer Field Day goes tomorrow at Clavet

Cattle producers from across the province have a chance to learn more about the work being done at the University of Saskatchewan's Livestock and Forage Centre of Excellence (LFCE).

LFCE's annual summer field day runs tomorrow at Clavet, with registration running from 8 to 9 a.m., followed by a full day of activity.

Participants will have the opportunity to visit field plots and animal sites to see the latest in research activities, from forage development and grazing management to environmental sustainability, animal health, growth, and productivity.