Wear a helmet to save your noggin, Sask Brain Injury Assoc. advises

It’s summertime, with all the popular outdoor activities that come along with it, and the Saskatchewan Brain Injury Association (SBIA) advises wearing a helmet during any activity with potential for a hard bump to the head (or worse). 

“We always talk about prevention, and summer is the time when people are at the highest risk of getting a brain injury,” said Glenda James of Moose Jaw, the SBIA’s executive director.  

The Nature Conservancy of Canada announces newly protected lands in Cypress Uplands

The Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) continues to make strides in safeguarding critical natural areas in the province. The delicate ecosystem in the Cypress Uplands, a region in southwestern Saskatchewan in the eastern portion of the Cypress Hills, has received a boost from the non-profit conservation group.  

Two properties, amounting to 389 hectares in the RM of Arlington, have now fallen under conservation protection.  

'We will rebuild': A look inside the wildfire devastation in Jasper

Richard Ireland's eyes well up with tears as he gazes in silence towards his home and sees memories of a lifetime burnt to ashes.

The mayor of Jasper then leans over what remains of the small, cosy home he grew up in — a piece of a concrete wall — and says all he can think about is a framed photograph that was taken after his family moved in when he was two years old, lost somewhere in the rubble.

New numbers confirm one-third of Jasper townsite destroyed in this week's wildfire

One-third of all structures in the townsite of Jasper are gone, burned to the ground in this week’s wildfire, officials confirmed Friday.

Premier Danielle Smith said there are 1,113 structures in the picturesque Rocky Mountain resort community.

She said Wednesday night’s wildfire destroyed 358 of them and damaged seven more.

The structures were homes and businesses. Much of the damage was contained to the west side of town.

Smith said critical infrastructure, including schools, hospitals, and water treatment services, remain intact.