Goertzen says new legislation would modernize liquor service licensing

Our provincial government has introduced legislation, which would extend the ability to sell liquor with takeout and delivery food orders. Justice Minister Kelvin Goertzen says, if approved, this would also make it easier for service models such as wine bars, seasonal and pop-up businesses to obtain licenses.

State of local emergency ending in Ritchot

With floodwaters receding, the state of local emergency is ending in the Rural Municipality of Ritchot.

The state of local emergency went into effect on April 26th in Ritchot. At the time, the Red River was still well below its eventual peak.

The Red River crested at Ste. Agathe on May 13th at 772.2 feet and since then it has dropped about 17 inches. The Red also crested at St. Adolphe on May 13th at 768.0 feet and since then has dropped about 14 inches.

Water levels continue to drop

The province is now reporting a more rapid decline of the Red River in southern Manitoba. Since Tuesday, the Red has seen the following changes:

  • dropped four inches at Emerson to 787.47 feet
  • dropped two inches at Letellier to 783.43 feet
  • dropped two inches at St. Jean to 780.21 feet
  • dropped three inches at Morris to 778.46 feet
  • dropped three inches at Ste. Agathe to 770.77 feet
  • dropped three inches at St. Adolphe to 766.77 feet

Since Tuesday, the Roseau River has seen the following changes:

More lakes closed to cottagers in the Whiteshell

A number of lakes were added to the list of closures Tuesday in Whiteshell Provincial Park.

A local state of emergency was declared on May 20th for Whiteshell Provincial Park due to rising water levels within the park. All developed areas at Betula Lake were closed on May 21st. This closure area was expanded on Tuesday to include Sylvia Lake, Otter Falls, Dorothy Lake, Barrier Bay and Nutimik Lake areas. No person should reside or enter the closed area.

More lakes closed to cottagers in the Whiteshell

A number of lakes were added to the list of closures Tuesday in Whiteshell Provincial Park.

A local state of emergency was declared on May 20th for Whiteshell Provincial Park due to rising water levels within the park. All developed areas at Betula Lake were closed on May 21st. This closure area was expanded on Tuesday to include Sylvia Lake, Otter Falls, Dorothy Lake, Barrier Bay and Nutimik Lake areas. No person should reside or enter the closed area.

Goertzen says new legislation would modernize liquor service licensing

Our provincial government has introduced legislation, which would extend the ability to sell liquor with takeout and delivery food orders. Justice Minister Kelvin Goertzen says, if approved, this would also make it easier for service models such as wine bars, and seasonal and pop-up businesses to obtain licenses.

CAA Manitoba names worst roads in the province

CAA Manitoba has come out with its Top 10 list of Worst Roads in Manitoba. Topping the list for 2022 is Provincial Road 307, which connects Seven Sisters Falls through the Whiteshell Provincial Park.

When voting for their worst road, CAA Manitoba asked Manitobans to not only think about potholes but lack of active transportation paths, lack of safe and accessible access, poor or no signage, bad design or poor maintenance.

Manitoba announces further delays to campground openings

Our province has announced further delayed openings at some campgrounds in Manitoba.

The list includes St. Malo Provincial Park campground, which has a partial closure of some sites until at least June 2 due to overland flooding. White Lake Campground in Whiteshell Provincial Park is also closed until at least June 2nd due to high water levels and flooding. The complete list is as follows: