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Henry Manza of Blumenort received a brand-new adapted bike thanks to the Steinbach Community Foundation
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Henry Manza of Blumenort received a brand-new adapted bike in June thanks to the Steinbach Community Foundation

“It’s about instilling a bit of friendly competition!”

This from Andrew Warkentin, board member with the Steinbach Community Foundation, which is hosting a Giving Challenge, November 13th to 19th.

“The Steinbach Community Foundation is a little different,” explains Warkentin.

“A community foundation such as ours endows the funds, meaning we permanently invest all gifts given. Then we grant the income and interest earned to support a variety of projects in our community.”

This means that every donation made to The Steinbach Community Foundation is invested and that money goes to work earning income the Foundation can use to support local charities.

“It's a permanent investment that produces income we can gift year after year after year.”

For example, the Foundation recently granted a total of $27,175 to the following organizations:

  • $4,078 to the Children’s Rehabilitation Foundation
  • $5,000 to STARS Air Ambulance
  • $14,419.18 to Serving Seniors
  • $677.82 to Total Freedom Addictions Recovery Centre

“We’re very excited that three matching partners have each pledged to match up to $6000,” shares Warkentin. “These partners are Harvest Honda in Steinbach, The Winnipeg Foundation, and the Manitoba government.”

“So our first goal is to reach $10,000 in gifts to receive all matching monies. And our dream goal is to reach $20,000 in total, which includes gifts and monies.”


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The Giving Challenge is a great opportunity to help the Foundation continue making good things happen in the southeast, year after year.

Warkentin says it's all about doing little things.

“Even just sending an e-mail around the office that says, ‘Hey, I'm matching donations up to $200 or $50 or even $10’ … any gift, big or small, can make a real difference in our community.”

To make a gift to The Steinbach Community Foundation Fund during the Endow Manitoba Giving Challenge, November 13th to 19th,  visit https://www.endowmb.org/community-foundations/the-steinbach-community-foundation/

To learn more about different ways to give, email: admin@steinbachcf.ca, call 204-823-4521, or visit their Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/steinbachcf.

“The Endow Manitoba Giving Challenge is an exciting opportunity for people to invest in their community,” shares Warkentin. “Thank you so much!”


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Author Alias