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teen challenge radiothon 2023

Our final* total is: $150,681 | 60% of $250,000 goal
5 new monthly partners at $45/month! We have a goal of 20 new monthly partners.

Thank you so much to everyone who listened, prayed, and made a donation to the Be Part Of A Story Radiothon! It was an amazing three days hearing of the healing work of Jesus in the lives of men and women wrestling with addiction. It was also heartbreaking at times, hearing stories of parents who are still waiting and praying for loved ones to find freedom. The work of Adult & Teen Challenge of Central Canada is needed now more than ever.

*It's not too late to give!

Online donations can still be made to the radiothon, even though we are done with our broadcast. 
Click here to donate online

ATC set a goal of $250,000 as that's what they need from this fundraiser to help cover their operating budget for 2024. With rising costs and expanding ministries in Winnipeg, Steinbach, the Pembina Valley, Brandon,  Flin Flon, and throughout Central Canada,  your help is still needed! We ask you to prayerfully consider what you can give and then click below to give online.

All Donations up to $90,000 were being matched by Winnipeg Kinsmen & anonymous donors.

We say a big thanks to the CHVN family once again for being so incredibly generous.

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Learn more about the ministry of Adult & Teen Challenge by reading more below.

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Bringing hope through Jesus

Be part of a story, be part of a life transformed!

ATC's vision is to put hope within reach of every community by providing freedom from life-controlling issues through the power of Jesus Christ!

When you give to ATC, 89 per cent of your donation goes directly to their programming. Sixty-three per cent of their funds are generated from self-sustaining projects, Super Thrift stores, vehicle donations, and special events. Private donations and church support bridge the gap and help us deliver quality awareness and recovery programs. We do not receive government money for operating costs.

From Winnipeg to Thunder Bay to Brandon to Flin Flon to Steinbach and everywhere in Central Canada, people of any background can become addicted to alcohol or other addictions. If you or someone you know is struggling with substance addiction, Adult & Teen Challenge’s faith-based program offers drug or alcohol addiction rehab centres and outpatient programs to help get back to sobriety with compassionate counselling, individual therapy, outpatient rehab and other treatment options.

The biggest difference between Adult & Teen Challenge and a traditional recovery center is their focus on Christ. Their programs depend on the power of the Holy Spirit and God’s word to provide their clients with a guiding light. Treatment is important, but transformation is key.

Through their Bible-based curriculum, clients learn how to apply God’s Word to their lives. They also learn to recognize the Holy Spirit’s work in their lives, invite God to help them overcome their life-controlling problems, and become more like Christ.

ATC has a number of programs through community offices and outreach for not only people struggling with addiction, but for their loved ones, as well. Their live-in treatment program is 12 months long. This timeframe provides ample opportunity for adults to confront their destructive choices, their self-sabotaging behaviour, and their unhealthy views. It then gives them a safe place to establish a new “normal”— assured of the love of God and under the guidance of Biblical principles.

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Author Alias