"I give God all the glory': How Adult and Teen Challenge transformed one woman's life

Shannon Gerbrandt struggled with her mental health for years, that was until she discovered Adult and Teen Challenge. 

"I dealt with a lot of anxiety and depression," said Gerbrandt. "My family didn't even know what to do anymore. I was married at the time, I had two kids, but was struggling with daily life and how to cope."

One of the biggest challenges Gerbrandt faced was broken relationships. This all changed when her aunt introduced her to Adult and Teen Challenge. 

'Cry out to Jesus': how a nurse saved an addict after overdose

Thanks to the heroic moves of a nurse and roommate, Jayden Friesen is alive today and learning how to heal his mind, body, and soul at Adult & Teen Challenge. 

Friesen has been a student at ATC Steinbach for the past eight months. 

"I grew up in a great home and I had loving parents," says Friesen. "Yet I always struggled with the idea of love. I didn't love myself and I didn't see how God or anyone else could love me. I let fear into my life and growing up, I let this fear grow with me."

Survivor of brutal gang attack now free from addiction

"My life has changed so much thanks to God and I’m excited to see what's going to happen next," says an Adult & Teen Challenge (ATC) student. 

Tyler is a student at ATC. He grew up in a loving family and enjoyed playing sports.

"As an adult, I started smoking marijuana and doing cocaine on the weekends but quit working when I was 23 to grow and sell drugs."

After Tyler got into the world of drugs, he joined a gang.

"At age 28 I survived a gang attack where my arms and legs were broken with a sledgehammer and was stabbed multiple times."

From sexual abuse and battling addiction to freedom in Jesus

Angela struggled with eating disorders, drugs, and alcohol before she decided to transform her life by walking through the doors of Adult & Teen Challenge (ATC).

"I grew up in a dysfunctional non-Christian family, with sexual abuse from a babysitter from a young age," says Angela. 

At only the age of 12, Angela had a family member offer her crack cocaine. She tried it and it began a spiral downward in her life. 

"By age 15 I had moved out, was addicted to drugs and alcohol, stuck in a cycle of bad relationships, promiscuity, and eating disorders."

Breaking the chains of addiction and despair

One young man knows he wouldn't still be alive if it weren't for Adult & Teen Challenge. 

At the age of 24, Noah was struggling with his addictions to alcohol, cocaine, and opioids, on top of his sexual addictions. 

"I was extremely depressed for a long time until I met my girlfriend," says Noah. "I then began to depend on her to find happiness. We broke up and I became even more depressed to the point of being self-destructive and suicidal."

Noah shares that he continued to do things that he knew could hurt or even kill him. 

'God is giving me back my joy': Woman finds freedom after 20+ years of addiction

Samantha Anderson was able to become the mother she always wanted after going through Adult & Teen Challenge's long program. 

"You could say I was born into addiction," says Anderson. "I grew up in a family full of addicts. So I can't say there wasn't a time when it wasn't a part of my life for myself. I started drinking at the age of 13."

Anderson was smoking marijuana by 17 and then dabbled with harder drugs like cocaine.

No home and without hope, woman gets life back after Adult & Teen Challenge

Once cold, addicted, and homeless, now Ashley Guimond is offering hope to others that she once desperately needed.

"I first came to Adult & Teen Challenge (ATC) in December of 2019," says Guimond. "I was homeless on the streets and I was going to the Lighthouse for food, shelter, and a warm place to stay throughout the day."

Guimond had previously lost custody of her two children due to her addiction.

The Be Part Of A Story radiothon for Adult & Teen Challenge

Current total: $212,661 | 106% of goal | 285 supporters 


As our broadcast for the #bepartofastory radiothon comes to a close you can still donate! Follow the link to change a life and put hope within reach for somebody struggling with addiction.

Our total at 6:07 p.m. is $210,261!