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Jayden Heinrichs, Courtney Peters, and Corporals Amy Blyth and Marc Durocher were on hand for this year's 'Cram the Cruiser' event. Photo by Aaron Harle.

Just in time for the holidays, Kindersley RCMP's 'Cram the Cruiser' was held at the Kindersley Co-op parking lot earlier this week. The food and cash donations went immediately to the Kindersley & District Food Bank

West Central Online talked to Cpl. Amy Blyth about the day, and she was once again overwhelmed by the response from people in the community.

"We are very happy to report we had approximately 318 Co-op bags which were purchased, as well as other donations that were made from in the store, or people brought from home."

Blyth thanked all who took the time to come out and donate.

"We were very happy to see everyone who came out. We thank the Co-op and (Kindersley & District) Food Bank for their partnership and everybody that took the time to visit with us and donate to the (Kindersley & District) Food Bank.

Blyth also shared $376 in cash was donated to the Food Bank as well. 

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