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CMHA Rosetown website pic.jpg
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A screengrab of the new website (Courtesy Carmen Ledding)

The Canadian Mental Health Association branch in Rosetown has a new online look. Their new website design is bringing Rosetown in line with the CMHA's main portal, and joining many other branches across Canada. 

Program Director in Rosetown Carmen Ledding shared the news. 

"All CMHA Branches across Canada have launched the same website configuration for continuity as far as describing our purpose, programming and advocacy for mental health as a human right for all."

It will feature peer support options for the area, and also the calendar for SK Hope Learning Centre events, such as Ledding's own course on understanding grief and loss. 

Surfing the website will lead to more on the CMHA's mission to provide options to those needing peer support, mental health education, or other primary services. Many people don't realize there is a free mental health service available to them right here in west-central Saskatchewan, and this website is a one-stop-shop to learn about the resources that surround the area.

Visit the new CMHA Rosetown website by clicking here.

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