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Humboldt Collegiate Institute and the HIT16 planning committee are preparing for a full weekend of basketball, starting on Thursday, December 14. 

Coaches, players, officials, evaluators, post-secondary representatives, and spectators are all invited to attend the games. 

“The focus of HIT16 is to provide rural Saskatchewan teams with the opportunity to participate in a collegial and professional large-scale tournament over the course of three days.  All participants are encouraged to not only grow their team and individual skills but also grow a mutual respect for the game, themselves, and for each other,” stated a release by Humboldt Collegiate Institute and the HIT16 Planning Committee. 

The 16-team tournament will feature the top 2A - 4A teams from across the province. Two gyms will be running, Court 1 will be at HCI, and Court 2 will be at HPS. 

Admission is $5 a day for adults.  High school / elementary students have free admission. 

The weekends schedule can be found below. 
