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Hanover Ag snow place like home (GW)
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Guests are invited to bring a tin for the bin for Grunthal Caring Hands Food Bank to Snow Place Like Home

“It was like a Christmas postcard!"

What began as a way to bring joy to people during the pandemic is now a holiday tradition for many families throughout the southeast. Brenda Levesque is the sponsorship coordinator with the Hanover Agricultural Society in Grunthal, where they’ve hosted Snow Place Like Home since Christmas 2020.

So what can snowgoers expect when they arrive at the Hanover Ag grounds?

“We are transforming it into a little winter wonderland,” Levesque shares. “We have a different route this year, with lights placed all around it… in a different fashion than the previous years, of course. We have a radio station set to play Christmas tunes as you drive through. We’ll have hot chocolate, and sleight rides on six of the evenings- that is no extra cost.”

One notable change this year is the shortened length of the event.

“We found that it was a little bit tougher for families to get out when school was still in. So we figured we would shorten it up, and that way we can have as many people come at the same time as possible, and we weren’t making our volunteers stay out in the cold when they didn’t have to.”

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Additionally, rather than cash admission on December 27th, guests are invited to bring a tin for the bin for the Grunthal Caring Hands Food Bank, whose shelves are rather bare. This partnership is years in the making, with thousands of pounds of food gathered, and countless families helped each and every year.

“It’s so nice to help out that way.” Levesque continues. “There’s a cost to running this event, but we still want to keep it affordable. So if $20 for your vehicle isn’t in your budget, a donation instead is just as good.”

An event like this involves months of planning- from charting the path… to clearing brush and checking the bulbs. Levesque says that Lights Unlimited comes in to do the bulk of the set up, and then the Hanover Ag elves come out of hiding to throw up the finishing touches.

Despite all this hard work, Levesque is proud of this team, and enjoys every minute.

“Honestly, my favorite part is just being here. I get to be here on several evenings to help out, and everyone’s always just so happy. It’s a nice way to spend time together- we’re there volunteering together, but we also get to see people from our communities come through. It’s so great to watch everyone have so much fun. Especially the kids- they’re just so excited to see everything.”

Levesque notes that, throughout the years, the sleigh rides have remained a fan favorite among attendants.

“We’re lucky to have the same team come in every year. And they come no matter when we ask,” she continues. “New Year’s Eve, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day… they’re here and they love it. And people are troopers- they are going on those sleigh rides, no matter the temperature.”

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Levesque likens the style of this event to the type found in Winnipeg, while being nowhere near a city. She’s also delighted to be part of the creation of something that’s a little different, something through which people can discover a sense of community and wonder.

This event would not be possible without the support of their community sponsors.

“We have sponsor signs throughout the event- we couldn’t do anything without them. Every year, we make the call, and they all just jump at it. It’s so nice.”

Snow Place Like Home is hosted in partnership with the RM of Hanover. It happens December 22nd to 31st from 6:00pm to 9:00pm nightly at the Hanover Ag grounds in Grunthal. For more information, visit www.hanoverag.com.

Author Alias