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The extreme cold warning is now expected past mid-day Thursday (Photo by Andrea Schan)

UPDATE: Thursday, Jan 18, 2024, 11:00 AM

The extreme cold warning is lingering Thursday, as periods of very cold wind chills continue around west-central Saskatchewan.

Wind chill values around -40 and colder can still be expected around parts of southern Saskatchewan, stretching across into southwest Manitoba. Any wind chill values that do moderate Thursday afternoon could return at night for some areas.

Extreme cold puts everyone at risk. These cold warnings are issued whenever conditions have created an elevated risk to health such as frost bite and hypothermia.

ORIGINAL: Wednesday, Jan 17, 2024, 3:45 PM

Another extreme cold warning has been issued for the West Central region, but it is only expected to last until midday Thursday. The reasoning for the warning is wind chills ranging from -40 to -45 will happen Wednesday evening and into Thursday morning.

Temperatures are expected to be chilly once again Thursday night, before a warmup occurs on the weekend. Extreme cold warnings are issued when very cold temperatures or wind chill creates an elevated risk to health such as frost bite and hypothermia.

Finid your full five-day weather forecast here.
