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Do More Agriculture is happy to announce applications are open for the community fund.

Do More Agriculture is excited to announce the fifth year of the Community Fund.

The Fund offers free mental health education to rural communities throughout Canada. The goal is to empower these communities with the necessary tools to support themselves and others.

"Farm Credit Canada (FCC) has been a proud founder of the Community Fund since its inception 5 years ago. FCC has been pleased to partner with Do More Agriculture to improve access to mental health resources, training, and workshops which we hope to have helped ease some of the mental health challenges faced by many rural Canadians," said Justine Hendricks, President and CEO at FCC.

Do More Agriculture recognizes the importance of taking care of your mental health especially if you work in Agriculture. 

"We are thrilled about this year's Community Fund and would like to express our sincere gratitude to FCC. Their unwavering support of mental health in agriculture is instrumental in bringing awareness and connecting individuals to resources in rural communities," explained Megz Reynolds, Executive Director of Do More Agriculture.

Reynolds explained that as a result, the fund continues to grow with several new workshops, initiatives, and even more community engagement.

"We believe in the power of conversations, knowledge, and community to transform mental health in the agricultural sector. This year, we're not just continuing our work, we're building upon the past four years by holistically evolving our offerings and increasing the number of rural communities to receive programming," said Reynolds. 

Applications for the Community Fund are open from January 18th until February 15th at 5:00 PM CST. 

The fund welcomes applications from all agricultural communities across Canada. Whether you're an individual, business, or association, we encourage you to apply. For further details and to submit applications, click here.

Send your news tips, story ideas, pictures, and videos to news@strathmorenow.com
