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Kleusen Hills
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Photo: Alberta.ca website

In a recent news release, Alberta Forestry and Parks has announced Kleskun Hills will become a provincial park.

The province says the new Kleskun Hills Provincial Park will include more than 1,000 hectares of protected land.

“With its Indigenous cultural significance, it is a fitting tribute that Kleskun Hills be designated as a provincial park within the County of Grande Prairie. We welcome visitors to the area this spring to celebrate the grand opening of Kleskun Hills Provincial Park and to experience a fascinating glimpse at Canada’s northernmost badlands ecosystem and all that our region offers.” Bob Marshall, reeve, County of Grande Prairie.

Alberta’s government is also amending an existing park boundary to correct a legal land description, expanding three existing parks and redesignating twelve provincial recreation areas, most of which have been closed for decades. These redesignated sites will now be managed as public lands so that Albertans can continue to access, explore and enjoy the areas.

“The expansion of the provincial parks system creates opportunities for Albertans to visit and appreciate some of Alberta’s most spectacular landscapes. The changes we are making will enhance the ability to access and enjoy our province’s outdoor spaces without impacting recreational use.” Todd Loewen, Minister of Forestry and Parks

