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Photo: Provided by NWP

Northwestern Polytechnic is expanding local health care training offerings with a new Primary Care Paramedic (PCP) Program.

The year-long certificate will launch in Fall 2024 and provide yet another in-demand career pathway for aspiring first responders. 

"We are thrilled to add this new program to our growing list of health care certificates, diplomas and degrees," said NWP Dean of Health and Education, Megan Stone. "In addition to building a strong theoretical foundation, the PCP program provides immersive clinical and ambulance placements that will set students up for on-the-job success."

The PCP certificate prepares students with the knowledge and skills necessary to operate in a fast-paced environment, helping people in need and saving lives. Students will learn about pre-hospital care, emergency medical services, and how to provide critical care in emergency situations. Along with a unique opportunity to gain practical rapid response experience, students will benefit from quality instruction delivered by experienced healthcare professionals.

The program features online instruction as well as 10-weeks of on-site lab learning at the NWP Health Education Centre located within the state-of-the-art Grande Prairie Regional Hospital. Students will also do both a clinical and ambulance placement, enabling them to hone their knowledge and skills as they experience the reality of emergency response situations.

"This immersive program is a welcome addition to our growing health education footprint in the region," said Dr. Vanessa Sheane, President and CEO. "Rural, remote and northern communities have traditionally struggled to recruit and retain qualified healthcare providers. Our hope is to deliver employment ready graduates who will not only stay in our communities, but also truly hit the ground running.”

For more information about the Primary Care Paramedic certificate or other rewarding healthcare career pathways at Northwestern Polytechnic, please visit NWP.me/Health.

