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Lucas Ouellette has been drafted to Team Coast 2 Coast.

Team Coast 2 Coast (C2C) has drafted 11-year-old local Lucas Ouellette a Strathmore Raiders U11AA hockey player and is heading to the World Championship in Austria in April.

"He (Lucas) played in the Edmonton International Tournament in early December. There were scouts. The Strathmore U11 AA Raiders ended up winning gold and he got selected and won MVP of the whole tournament," said Lucas's dad, Doug Ouellette. 

There will be players from all over Canada and the United States who will be playing with Lucas in Austria.

"He's met a couple so far, but there's a goalie from Penticton and then there is a defenseman from Vernon, BC and then there was Lucas from Strathmore. The rest of the players are from the U.S. So, it will be a unique experience for him."

Lucas has been playing hockey since he was around 7, but this is only his second year on the Strathmore Raiders U11AA team. He has big goals for the future.

"I want to eventually go pro," expressed Lucas. 

He is working hard to make sure that his team secures a big win in Austria.

"I am on the ice almost every day." 

Lucas's dad Doug said that his son is on the ice at least five days a week because he is just that committed. 

"He is at the rink on Monday and then he does breakfast club on Thursday plus he practices with his team. On Wednesdays, he practices with the U13 team because he is an affiliate. Then the games are on Saturday and Sunday," said Doug Ouellette. 

When Lucas is off the ice, he likes to play street hockey, go fishing, and play AA basketball. 

"Lucas gives 110% dedication every time his skates touch the ice, he never fails to impress his coaches and leads his team in points. He has won several MVP awards and recently won MVP of the All-Star Invitational Tournament," it stated on an Instagram post made by C2C. 

A Facebook post welcoming Lucas Ouellette to the team.

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