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Carman Mayor, Brent Owen, on behalf of the entire town council has issued a full statement following the five homicides that took place in and around the community on Sunday. 

Below is the statement as submitted to our online newsrooms.

It is with heavy hearts that we reach out to you today to express our deepest condolences for the profound loss of five members of our community. The recent 
tragedy has left the community grappling with grief, and our thoughts and prayers go out to the families and friends affected by this devastating event.

In the face of such sorrow, it is crucial for us to come together as a community and support one another through these challenging times. As we mourn this loss, let us also find strength in our unity, resilience, and shared determination to overcome adversity.

In the face of tragedy, we must stand together, offering comfort, compassion, and solidarity to those who need it most.

Let us honor the memory of those we have lost by ensuring that their legacy lives on in the strength and unity of our community.

Together, we will navigate through this dark chapter and emerge stronger, more compassionate, and more united than ever before. 

If you need assistance or simply someone to talk to, please do not hesitate to reach out to friends, family, church and, on behalf of the Association of Manitoba Municipalities, the All together Wellness Support services.

Author Alias