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Brooke Nicholls/ Facebook

A Canadian Christian singer-songwriter has opened up about her experience with chronic pain in hopes of helping others.

On Thursday, Brooke Nicholls took to social media to write a letter to those suffering in silence.

"I can only write you this letter because of what the Lord has given me: eyes to see and, quite frankly, pain to feel."  

For years, Nicholls says she has struggled with chronic sciatica, which is pain that travels along the path of the sciatic nerve.

"It would cripple me while stealing my sleep, my joy and my sanity," said Nicholls. "So, I understand the discomfort you feel as you lay your head down at night. The suffering you endure when you try to move your body, and the depletion of strength that comes from non-stop, all-day pain."

She continues saying on some days, the pain may get so bad that it chips away your joy and makes you question everything you've ever known about who God is as a healer, comforter, promise-keeper and restorer, but she says keep praying. 

Nicholls uses the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego as an example.

"Three men refused to worship false gods because they knew that there was only one God worthy of worship. So, they got thrown into a fiery furnace– but before they got thrown in, they said to the King, “if we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to deliver us from it… But even if He does not, we want you to know that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up," Nicholls recapped. ”Talk about bold faith!"

She says there was zero doubt in their minds of who God was, and even if God didn’t save them, they were still choosing to honour Him and serve Him.  

"What if your healing never comes on this side of Heaven? Will you choose to put your trust in who God is? Will you choose to devote your days to Him? Will you believe that He’s a miracle worker and healer?" Nicholls questioned her followers.

"I don’t understand the degree of your personal suffering, but I trust in the One who meets you in the fire and walks through it with you."

She encourages those who are suffering to continue to continue to seek God and to keep leaning into his promise for renewed strength each day. 

"Take heart today in knowing that one day you will receive your healing."

The post has reached hundreds, with fans taking to the comment section to thank Nicholls for sharing her story. 

"Brooke this post hits my heart! Chronic pain is my life. This is great hope!" said one follower. "As a person who knows this struggle intimately, thank you for seeing and encouraging us so deeply!"

Brooke Nicholls was recently nominated for a Juno for Contemporary Christian/Gospel Album of the Year. 

The 53rd annual Juno Awards will take place on Mar. 24, 2024, at Scotiabank Centre in Halifax, Nova Scotia.
