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Calvary Temple in Hyderabad, India
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Calvary Temple in Hyderabad, India. (Facebook)

Although India can be known for its Christian persecution, one megachurch is thriving and hopes to build 40 more churches over the next 10 years. 

Calvary Temple is India's largest church with 300,000 congregants located in Hyderabad, holding five separate services on Sundays to accommodate everyone. The first service starts at 6:00 a.m. and the last one takes place at 8:00 p.m.

"I've been given the grace to pastor this church which is beyond my dream and imagination," Pastor Satish Kumar said in an interview.

India comes in at 11 on the World Watch List for top countries around the world facing persecution towards Christians. Many states in India are adopting anti-conversion laws in hopes of intimidating Christians.

"The more the persecution, the more the church grows and that's what's happening in India."

Regardless of the persecution from Muslim extremists, Pastor Kumar says he sees roughly 3,000 new believers each month. 

"God put a burden in my heart to establish 40 mega churches just like what you see here during the next 10 years," says Kumar.

In 2005 Calvary Temple opened its doors to 24 regular attendees. Today, it is one of the largest churches on Earth with 300,000 people as well as 11 satellite churches. Calvary Temple also produces 650 TV programs every month on national television in 17 different languages. 

"God's hand is upon India, it's a time for India to reach the lost, not only within the country but across the globe."

On top of sharing the good news, 150 volunteers show up to Calvary Temple at 3:30 a.m. every Sunday to prepare free breakfast, lunch, and dinner for 50,000 people. With an on-campus hospital, they also offer free medical care to any person who can't afford it. 

"Preaching the pure Word of God is what attracts people, and practicing the Word of God is what keeps people within the church," said Kumar. "In India, we say, 'service to mankind is service to God' so that is what we try to practice. We try to show God's love in action in every possible way that we find."
