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Smart Water Meter Project


One more thing that we want to talk about today and is the city of Moose Jaw’s Smart Water Meter Project. I've had my water meter replaced. It wasn't that big a deal, had to make an appointment, then he found there wasn't enough room for it. And we made room for it and got it done. But it's a project, is it complete now?


We're about 75 per cent of the way there, so there's a total of 12,500 meters across the city. We've done 3/4 of them now and again, just like the new solid waste management facility. It's the technology I'm excited about. The technology that's in the new meters and one reason is you won't have to take your meter reading on a regular basis. You will not have anyone from the city coming to read your meter. Everything is done electronically now, so we can monitor consumption and it has even helped us lately to find a few places where people perhaps had leaky taps that they didn't know about. But now as we see the regular consumptions, we can find any variance from that.


OK, so there are some benefits for this, for the City of Moose Jaw and for residents.



Absolutely. Because you know, if someone didn't know they have a leaky faucet or toilet then you perhaps don't want to pay for water that you're not using.


And no more billing estimates, no arguments.


Correct, it will come. It comes directly to the city.


Yeah, very good. Anything else you want to add about that?


No, I think we're, it's I think it's been a good process. I'm happy to hear that it was fairly smooth for you on the smart water meter side, I had mine installed at the house too it went fairly quickly.

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