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Grade 12 MCI Students Sam Regehr & Milo Klassen in costume
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Grade 12 MCI Students Sam Regehr & Milo Klassen in costume

We are just a few days away from opening the curtains for night one of Mennonite Collegiate Institute's 2024 musical production, The Pirates of Penzance!

Showtimes are March 7-9th at 7:30pm nightly with a matinee on Saturday as well at 2:00 pm. Buhler Hall in Gretna will be the location for all the performances.

Tickets are available at https://mennonitecollegiateinstitute.thundertix.com/events/224712 or by calling the school at (204) 327-5891 during regular school hours.

CFAM Morning Show co-host Zack Driedger took some time to chat with Musical Theater Director Erin Klassen and two performers from the production, Sam Regehr & Milo Klassen who play Frederick and The Pirate King respectively! Enjoy their conversation, the two actors reading a scene and some pics from rehearsals below:



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Author Alias